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  "I fall for rainy mornings like these. It makes it easier for me to think. To sit down by my kitchen window as I look at the droplets fall with my nice cup of coffee; I prefer tea but there's just something about coffee in the mornings that take the sting out of my inner thoughts. But instead, an irrelevant man has gone missing for two days and the world has gone mad and I am back in your office urged to do your job for you."
-"Mr. Coldwell, I understand you rather be elsewhere but I'm afraid this is not just some random man. He is nowhere to be found after all the accounts where found emp-"
"He's dead. Case closed." Mr. Coldwell, who moves his feet off the desk as he takes a bite of his apple unconcerned about the case. Before he exits the office, Sheriff Burland, a man of late 40s who had all access to unusual cases that were never solved nor taken consideration, proceeds to convince Mr. Coldwell that it may not be what he believes.
"That's the thing Coldwell, his death may not just have been an accident. He was disintegrated in plain air by some blonde girl. A-at least that's what the eyewitness said" he stutters.
-"Who's the witness?"
"Some common prostitute wearing purple heels or something, she came in all out of her mind the other ni-" Coldwell, hurries out of the office impeding the information.
-"I'll take care of it."
Out in the rain, with his hands tucked inside his lead coat. Looking down at his cap toe oxfords with his upturned eyes. His body waved onyx hair dripping. Allen Coldwell was his name, or so that's what he wanted everyone to think. He was considered the 'Sherlock' of Lords. Many knew about him yet almost no one knew of his face. In a dark room, with low hints of light that emerged on old Victorian furnish, three sat together accustomed to discuss.
"You killed him while you let her watch?!" he demanded.
-"Oh, that's my fault I'm sorry." Greer giggles. "The guy had it coming!" she proclaims while sitting with her leg crossed sipping on her rosemary tea cup.
-"Greer, you went too far this time. You know what will happen if they find out about us." Floyd who sat on a green chair, looks at her with his onus hazel eyes.
Allen rolls his eyes, pressing his two fingers on his temples as he takes a slow sip from his tea cup.
-"Look, I will take care of it myself. I will make sure her memories, along with Sheriff Burland's, of that night will be erased and everyone's happy!" Greer lifts her hands up in an explaining and nonchalant manner.

The rain stops by noon and Blair is bewildered by the town's Library where she's to find books from olden centuries up to our modern days. Its architecture was like a museum, a museum of books! She's fascinated by the arched glass window roofs and the astrological decorations all around the shelfs that were built on the maroon walls. She then approaches a separate room where all the most ancient books where located. There was one about ghosts that caught her attention but had no intention on borrowing it and definitely not buying it. More like stealing it. She takes the book ripping its price tag off it and places it inside her satchel. Then, she looks out the French doors that led to the garden where old crafted stone statues stood. Sculptures of crying angels, warriors, demons. She passes through the cobble stone pathway sliding her finger on their edges. Looking down at the dark lily pad pond for her reflection. The reflection of her brown coat and her black long sleeve with her raven hair tucked in. When more people start to approach she leaves immediately.
In front of my favorite coffee shop's window while the sun is setting, she stirs her mocha turning the book's pages back and forth.
"Looks like our stories scared you a little too much, huh?" Floyd approaches, off duty wearing his favorite dusty coat and black, colored patterned scarf.
-"Have you seen a guy with a dark trench coat lately? He was here the first day I came." She says.
Ere long before he could answer – ding – the man in the trench coat enters the shop rapidly walking towards them.
"Actually yes I have. Allen!" Floyd calls out to the man.
"I need to talk to you." He insinuates him.
-"It's you!" Blair says.
He looks at her deep set eyes lowering his brows trying to give a disconcerted impression.
"You two know each other?" Floyd asks.
"Never met her in my life." Allen smirks.
Blair stands up with a misled expression in her eyes. "At the bridge. You were there. You stood right next to me!"
That was indeed true.
"No, that was a ghost." Allen responds sarcastically. "Anyway, I was called back again and it seems like we may not come out of the whole 'Greer' situation that easily." He murmurs, pulling Floyd to the side.
"What 'Greer' situation?" Blair asks.
Allen tilts his head back at her hastily. "Do you mind?"
-"She can come with us." Floyd suggests.
"Hmm...No." Allen exits the shop.
What an asshole, she probably thought. But that only made her want to know more about him. She didn't understand why he would lie of such a simple subject. Though, it wasn't so 'simple' since he disappeared in mid-air like nothing.
The sun has vanished and the trees turn like silhouettes. Blair only hopes she won't get lost through the woods at this time of the night. She enjoyed the dark, but didn't like the loneliness of it because it only made her feel like she was being followed. She looks to her sides, and only sees the figure of a statue a few yards away in between the trees. It was quite familiar, maybe like the ones at the library. She continues walking looking to her sides further to the top of the hill, she sees it again. The figure of an angel covering its face to the right in between the bushes. Yes, exactly like the one back at the library. It never occurred to her until then that it was quite popular in town and they were perhaps, everywhere. That's what seemed to cross her mind during that moment so she gave it no importance and arrived home.
Hmm, I wonder why she hadn't noticed the beautiful angel statue in her front yard from the window as she passed the hall. Perhaps, it's new?  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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