Way To Dampen My Mood

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So I'm super sorry this took so long. I've had one heck of a time getting the inspiration to write this chapter. I was up one night, and basically three hours later, i had this! yep, so here goes nothing.

May the dark one be with you!


I would love to tell you that my journey to England was the greatest experience of my life, but then I would be lying. I hate England. It's cold, and it's wet. The plane ride was horrible, and I was all alone, unless, of course, you count our chauffeur, which i do not. I had to ride on a... public airplane, and Mom and Dad didn't even take me to the airport. Our chauffeur did. Anyways, it was horrible, but Hogwarts was worse. It's big and medieval, and totally unlike our old loft in New York. My mood was already dampened because of the long plane ride, but getting off the plane made me feel like I had a personal storm cloud over my head. My chauffeur drove me in a black Cadillac, and then dropped me off at the doors. Typical chauffeur. This is so not the way to start my new life in a new country.

As I walk towards the huge wooden doors, they open on their own.

"Damn Brits and their show-off magic." I mutter darkly to my self as I push the- heavy, I might add- doors to finally drag my trunk and my owl cage into a vast corridor. I pulled out my iPhone and checked the time. 10:30. And not a soul in the corridor. Figures. Exactly no one around when I need them. I guess I'll just pick a hallway and hope it leads somewhere.

"Um, I guess I'll go left." I mutter to myself, and head to the left corridor.

I see a person in robes... farther down the hallway, and I feel a slight sense of hope.

"Hey, Excuse me! Can you help me get to Headmaster Dumbledore's office? I'm new and don't know where to go."

"Um yea. If you go to the end of this corridor, take a left, then take a right, and then another left at the end of that corridor. You can't miss it." The boy must of been a year or two younger than me. He had on black robes, and a yellow and black necktie.

"Okay. Thank you. Now, get away from me. I have places to be, and I'm sure you do too." I said sarcastically while smiling sweetly.

Well, that Brit wasn’t kidding. I couldn’t miss this, even if I wasn’t looking. The door is huge! Oh, What did I just get myself into? Anybody with a door that big is either: a.) a giant, of b.) some sort of important person. Since he’s the Headmaster, I’m going to go with the latter. I gulp and, swallowing my pride, knock on the door.

Before I can knock for a second time, the door swings open and almost hits me in the face.

“Hey! Watch where you swing your-” I get cut off by a very sincere, and very old, voice.

“I am terribly sorry Miss. I had no knowledge that the door would almost hit you. My apologies. Anyways, my name is Professor Dumbledore. But you can call me Dubledore. I am the Headmaster here at Hogwarts.” He smiled proudly, as if he was happy to be the Headmaster here.

“Thanks, Dumbledore. My name is Desdemona Delrid, and I just moved here from America. I’m sure you’ve heard of me? Well anyways, I’m here. So what do I do now?”

“Well, I suppose you need to be put in a house. Let me get the Sorting Hat.”

Sorting Hat? What in the name of all things magical is that? Sounds painful. Oh well, I have no choice.

Dumbledore walks back to where I’m standing, carrying a very ratty looking hat. And, to add insult to injury, he sets the ugly hat on top of my head.

And the surprise of my life came when the hat started talking to me me. It sounded old and raspy, yet it sounded wise and all-knowing. In spite of all that, it was the most terrifying moment of my life.

"Ah, yes. The Delrid girl. The one from America. She has a future quite unlike any other student. Very brave, yet cunning. Where to put you? Where to put you? You show qualities of all of the houses: Gryffendor, Slythherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Yes, but Slytherin and Gryffendor are the strongest. But, with your father being who he is..."

Wait, what is he talking about? Slytherin? Gryffendor? Ravenclaw? And what the hell is a Hufflepuff? And my father? What is this kooky old hat talking about?

"... I see that no other house seems fitting. Your house is... Slytherin!"

"Slytherin hm? That's an interesting house." Dumbledore mused. " Well I suppose I should get your prefect."

Dumbledore leans over on a huge desk, and grabs a piece of parchment. He quickly scrawls a few words on it, and walks over to an owl sitting in a cage. He opens the cage and slips the parchment inside the bird’s beak. He then speaks the words that will ultimately change my life, for the better, and the worse:

“Give this to Draco Malfoy.”  


Did yall like it? It was kind of uneventful, but this chapter was compltely necesssary. And the next chapter introduces my other favorite character..... First person to guess gets a shout out! Unless your my editor.... then you get nothing.... yet! Mwuhhahahhahhahahah


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2012 ⏰

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