Albus Severus Potter chapter 1

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Albus Severus Potter

‘Are you really a P...P...P...Potter?’


‘I’m not sure, what do you think Lance’

‘He looks kinda looks like him, the guy in the newspaper, maybe he’s got a scar too’

‘A scar? They aren’t past from parent to child, are they?’

I stood there absolutely bewildered as students gathered around and questioned me . I tried to search for an opening amongst the crowd and make a speedy exit but all I could warily see was an ocean of faces. There were so many I was beginning to feel slightly sea sick. I glanced over and made out James’s face, my older brother, amidst the abyss. He had a cheeky smirk plastered on his face. I lunged over making my way towards him dodging both people and questions.

‘What’s with all the questions?’ I murmured so only he could hear.

‘Well little brother’ he chuckled and ruffled my hair ‘Dad’s kinda famous around here which makes us famous’ he smartly remarked

‘Well why aren’t you being swarmed with questions then?’

‘I told them to ask you’

‘Arrgh’ I fumed as James burst out into another fit of laughter as a student asked for a photo with me.

‘You’ve got to help me out’ I begged rather nervously. It was my first year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry and I was already on edge. I desperately needed to find a compartment of my own, away from the madness.

‘Sure I’ll help you little baby boy’ I glared, just because he was older than me doesn’t give him the authority to tease me like a child. After all I’m 11 years old, almost an adult.

‘Al here would love to take a photo with each and every one of you’ He declared evily.

‘What? No’ I blurted once I registered what he had said. I reached after James but he was probably on the other side of the train by now. That sneaky bugger. I was pulled, poked and prodded before a gentle hand fished and located my own. They pulled me out of the crowd and into the quiet of the following carriage.

‘Ah Thanks.’ I gratefully expressed to the mystery hero. I glanced up and meet my rescuers face and smirked.

‘Rose!’ I exclaimed with glee and pulled her into an enormous bear hug.

‘Let go of me cousin I need to breathe’

‘Oh sorry’ I replied releasing her. I had forgotten about her once the madness had swept around me. It was our first year at Hogwarts. We were best buds. Growing up together kinda forced us to become best friends but after her heroic act I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

‘Let’s find an empty carriage’ she said as I eagerly agreed.

‘That was crazy’ she stated

‘You’re telling me, boy do I know. All I did was introduce myself to that brunette senior and then they crowded around me like moths to a light’

‘Did you just refer to yourself as the light?’

‘Ah, yeah and so what if I did?’

“Obnoxious much’

‘Haha yeah my bad’ I apologised before she'd hit me. I continued the search for an empty conpartment.

‘Hey Al hurry up I found an empty one’ Rose called as we clambered inside eagerly.

‘Thank god Rosie, I thought we’d never find-‘

I was cut off as I was whirled around and pinned to the wall.

‘What have I told you about calling me Rosie?’

‘Not to’ I coughed trying to falter the words out under her tight grip.

‘That’s what I thought’

She slowly released me as a student with bleach blonde hair nosily walked up to us.

‘Hey what are you two doing?’

‘Nothing’ Rose quickly replied as she scurried to the seat and picked up a novel as though nothing had happened, her face red.

‘Sure’ he chuckled as Rose’s blush deepened.

‘I’m Scorpius, Scorpius Malfoy.’

‘Albus Potter’ I greeted taking his hand in my own. ‘That’s Rose, my cousin. It’s our first year at Hogwarts’

Rose clumsily leant over and took his hand.  

‘Is it ok if I sit here with you guys? This is my first year at Hogwarts to and I haven’t found any one to hang with in our year. Did you say Potter?' he paused ' You wouldn’t happen to be related to a Harry would you?’

“Yeah he’s my dad’

‘Wow, my dad talks about him like a hero.’


‘Yeah. I’ll be back in a minute just let me grab my stuff’

He hurried out of the room as Rose pulled me into the seat next to her a stern look plastered on her face.

‘Did you hear what my dad said?’ Rose asked.

‘No, why’

‘As we were leaving the platform he said something about not making friends with that blonde because of his dad or something. Also, his families all from Slytherin.’

‘Yeah but he seems nice’ I defended remembering my own dads words from the platform when I had told him my fears of being placed in Slytherin. He said I was named after two great men, one of which was from Slytherin so I figured they can’t be all bad.  Anyway if i was sorted into that house I’d need at least one friend.

‘Fine’ huffed Rose turning back towards her novel.

‘Hey move’

‘No you move’

‘Be quiet you two and let’s find a room’ There was a thump or two before three dirty blonde haired kids rolled into our room shouting at one another. Me and Rose stared curiously at the three similarly looking students. There were two girls and one guy. Once they realised they had made their unconscious way into our room they orderly stood up and dusted themselves off.

‘Hi were the Greenswaters’ they chorused.

‘I’m Louis’ the boy proudly stated before briefly pointing to the other two girls and muttering ‘Jamie and Lauren. We need some help. Our parents are ... what is the word Lauren?’


‘Yeah thats it, hi were the Greenswaters and we are from a Muggle family’ they beamed cheekily just as Scorpius returned glancing at the full compartment an owl in his hand.

Albus Severus Potter ( Harry potter fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang