Albus - chapter two

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(Flash back to prevous part:) ‘Muggles’

 ‘Yeah thats it, hi were the Greenswaters and we are from a Muggle family’ they beamed cheekily just as Scorpius returned glancing at the full compartment an owl in his hand.

(The chapter stats here, enjoy) 

‘Hi there, I’m Albus Potter and this here’ I grabbed the defiant Rose ‘Is my cousin Rose, come take a seat’

There was a moment of scuffling before the Greenwaters and Scorpius took their seats. Rose placed her book down and glanced despairingly around the tightly filled compartment.

‘Muggles?’ Rose queered. ‘My mother was one of those.’

‘Really?’ one of the boys chirped.

‘Yes. We will help you if there is anything you need’ Rose added.

‘It must have been amazing growing up in a house full of witches and wizards’ Lauren smiled wishfully.

‘It really isn’t as amazing as you would think’ Scorpius muttered.

‘Oh... who are you by the way?’ one of the boys asked.


‘Wow cool name’ Lauren piped.

‘Yeah that’s totally radical’ One of the boys added causing Scorpius’s cheeks to redden.

‘Thanks.’ Scorpius shifted awkwardly as he held his owl in his arms. A silence washed over the room before a lady wheeling a huge trolley of food quickly slid the car door open.

 ‘Lunch, children.' She made it sound like a statement rather than a question.

‘Sure’ Rose smirked dropping a bunch of coins into the ladies hand, leaving us with an enormous pile of food.

‘Why did you buy all that’ I asked.

‘Dad says he couldn’t afford anything when he was growing up so he said for me to deserve this treat for him.’ I smiled.

‘I’ll have to send a thank you to Uncle Ron’

‘What are all these sweets?’ the Greenwaters queered.

‘Try this’ Scorpius suggested handing them a chocolate frog.

‘Ok, chocolate’ lauren smiled. She carefully opened the packet as the frog leaped out.

‘Catch it’ I yelled. One of the boys jumped up and reached for it, pushing any of the poor people in his path.

‘Gotcha’ he enthused.

‘Get down Louis’ Jamie ordered. (Thank god Jamie called him Louis because now I can finally tell the difference between the two boys. Louis has a tiny mole above his eyebrow). He climbed back down, off everyone’s heads and landed his but firmly on the seat.

Lauren chuckled ‘Neat, what can I try next’

‘Ohh... Jelly Beans’ Jamie shrieked as he grabbed the box.

‘Stop’ I cried but it was all ready to late. He had several different flavoured beans in his mouth.

‘Those, my friend, are Bertie Bott’s every flavour beans’. I chuckled at Jamie’s horrified face.

‘It’s a mixture of lovely flavours and absolutely horrific ones’ he cried.

‘I tried to warn you’ I chuckled.

Rose looked at Jamie, horrified. Scorpius laughed. The train hooted.

‘Hey look, I think I can see Hogwarts’ Louis cheered.

‘We better get changed.’ Rose suggested.

‘I can’t wait!!!!!’ Lauren squealed.

‘Shush’ Scorpius cried, grabbing Lauren and covering her mouth.

‘Pipe down, Lauren’

‘Ok, sorry’

‘Let’s just get changed into our robes’ Rose reiterated.

‘Sounds good to me’ I replied.

We had quickly scampered into our new attire. Well me, Rose and Scorpius had. The triplets jumped into their uniforms with their boundless supply of energy. We got off at the platform and were hailed over by an enormous bearded man.

‘Hey, Uncle Hagrid’ me and Rose chimed. Hagrid’s an old friend of our family. Our parents know him very well and he often visits. Dad thinks he should retire as his hair is beginning to grey but he is awful stubborn sometimes.

‘Hey kiddies, wow I can’t believe you’re at Hogwarts.  I remember just yesterday watching your father jump out of that train. Can’t believe how quickly time goes....’ He waffled on and I smiled and nodded at the right parts.

‘Hey, Uncle Hagrid’ Someone called behind us. I turned to see James. He came over and ruffled my hair.

‘Watch over the baby Uncle. Make sure he doesn’t fall out the boat on your way to Hogwarts. Bye I’ve got to catch a carriage’

‘Oh who was that’ Lauren asked with too much interest.

‘My brother’

‘How old is he? He seems nice.’ She threw random questions at me which I gave half hearted answers to. James was a ladies’ man. Wherever he went women would swarm. That lucky brat.

‘Time to go’ Hagrid called over her questions as we boarded the boats. Rose pulled me and Scorpius on her boat with several other students, forcing the triplets to get on a separate boat.

The journey was quiet. Hogwarts was bigger than I could have ever imagined. It dazzled above the ocean. Its many lights reflected in the water, leaving my mouth slightly agape.

‘How cool is this’ Rose muttered.

‘Yeah’ Me and Scorpius agreed.

‘What house do you guys want to be in?’ a girl on the other side of the boat asked.

‘Slytherin, like my parents I suppose.’ Scorpius said uncertainly.

‘Nice, one of the great head masters.... ah .... Snape ... thats his name was in Slytherin.’ The girl replied and Scorpius’s shoulders became less tense.

‘I want to be in Gryffindor’ Rose said.

‘Yeah, me too. Like Scorpius said our parents were in these houses, but to be truly honest I really don’t mind’.

‘Gryffindor, that’s the house of the great Harry Potter. He killed Voldemort’ Me, Scorpius and Rose looked at each other and I attempted to signal to them that they shouldn’t say anything about my father.

‘Yeah it is the house of Unc.... I mean Harry Potter’ Rose said, attempting to be dismissive.

‘What house do you want to be in?’ I asked, attempting to change the course of our conversation.

‘Ravenclaw, as it’s the house of the wise’.

‘Nice,’ I replied just as we were arriving ashore.

‘Oh what’s your names? I forgot to ask. I’m Jessica’ she told us.

‘I’m Rose. That’s my cousin Albus and that’s Scorpius’

‘Scorpius? Nice name’


‘First years please line up.’ A lady called.

‘It is time to be sorted into your houses.’

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