Chapter 13

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*Claire's POV*

"Claire! Claire! Open the door. Claire!" Loud bangs on my door made me run and open it.

I was in my California hotel room. It was my last week of touring with the boys and I had mixed emotions.

I am so happy I made great friends like Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall.

I got closer to Danielle. She's not only my assistant but also my best friend.

But I also lost someone important. Very important.

The boy who holds a special place in my heart, though I'm thankful he had a chance to stop by in my life this time. For the previous time he stopped by, you suck God.

"Claire where is your phone?" Harry was standing outside, looking absolutely messed up.

"I don't know. Somewhere. What's up?" I asked him.

"Claire I-" He covered his teary face before hugging me tightly, "Haz what's wrong? Did Louis say something?" I rubbed his back to calm him down.

"Why is everyone after Lou and me?" He pulled back, "No. He didn't say anything. It's that. Claire, Z-Zayn." He looked down at his feet while my breath stopped.

"Zayn what Harry?"
No reply.

"Harry tell me, you're scaring me. What's up with Zayn?"
No reply.

"HARRY, WHERE IS MY ZAYN?" I yelled as my anxiety took over me.

"Claire, Z-Zayn came in front of a truck." My heart stopped beating at that.

"What are you saying?" I asked as I tried to balance myself from falling down.

"Let's go." Was all he replied.

The words kept rotating around my mind like gears constantly churning. I chewed on them until they became merely specs of dust. But they were there, and I could not get rid of them.

Zayn came in front of a truck.

I slammed my foot on the brake of Paul's car before Harry and I ran to the entrance of the 'Holy Care Hospital'.

We turned to the reception lady, "Zayn Malik." I panted heavily, "You are?" She asked me.

"I'm his girlfriend. Claire Malik...I mean Zayn Roach...Ugh...I mean Mlaire Coach." I banged my fist on the wall in frustration.

"Claire Roach and Harry Styles. His friends." Harry came to my rescue.

"5th floor. He is currently in the IC-"

We didn't let her finish, the both of us ran to the elevator.

Harry jabbed the button ten times. "Come on!" He whined before the doors finally opened.

We were panting, my heart felt like bursting, my entire body was trembling and I was in tears.

There was a pain in me. A fear. I can't lose him.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me as we started moving up.

I didn't answer. I couldn't. No words formed in my mouth.

All I could think of was Zayn. My love. My Zayn.

Was he okay? What happened? What will happen? Our memories kept flashing in my head.

I asked him to stay away from me but I want him to stay.

I tried being optimistic but my thoughts kept pulling me down.

"Zayn will be okay." Harry held my hand gently before I let out all the tears I was stopping.

He was assuring me but I knew, we both were doubting it.

And the doors opened.

Harry held my hand and pulled me out onto the floor. I wiped my tears quickly. There were people everywhere, nurses and doctors all around. The lights were bright yet lifeless. I was feeling sick.

Zayn does not belong here.
He does not deserve this.

Harry and I push through people in the crowded hallway and run to the ICU.

Through the crowd, I spotted a dirty blonde head. Niall.

"Where's Zayn?" I ran to him and Harry quickly followed me.

"They're operating him." He whispered with glassy eyes.


"Zayn got internal injuries. It's serious. He might..." He didn't complete his sentence. He didn't have to.

I fell back on Harry's chest and cried into his blue shirt.

"Come here." He hugged me and I cried even more.

"Sit her down." Danielle told Harry and he obeyed.

I am a control freak.

I want to control everything. But I cannot control this time. The time, the confusion, the tears. Everything was so fast.

By every minute, everything became faster and faster and faster. I was not able to keep up.

I was leaning on Louis' shoulder who was holding Harry's hand tightly while sitting on my other side.

Except us, everyone was speaking, but I didn't hear anything. The buzz of my thoughts was too loud.

I covered my face with my hands and tried to stop my tears. Nothing is in control.

It was terrifying.

The longer the time stretches on for, the higher the pillars of anxiety get.

Zayn didn't have to be in here. He doesn't have to go through this. This might be the last time I see the love of my life.

I kept crying on Louis' shoulder before my head got heavy and I fell asleep.

"Hey? Get up, princess." Liam voice made me get up from my slumber.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked him quickly, "It's been 3 hours. They're still in there." He pointed at the operation theatre double doors as he was crouching in front of me.

"How did this happen?" Tears welled up in my eyes again and my voice cracked.

"I don't know. We were moving around the city but Zayn was lost in his thoughts. We were crossing the road but I got left behind because I was tying my shoe laces. Zayn crossed the road without looking and a truck..." He sighed.

I widened my eyes.

"He crossed without seeing? But he never does that. He is very careful on the road." I could feel my hands shivering again.

"I don't know. But I exactly remember, he carelessy crossed the road." He gave me a sympathetic look.

"I so badly want him to be okay." I covered my teary face after Liam stood up straight and leaned on the wall in front of us.

"Hey, he'll be okay. He's our Zayn, the brave one." Harry consoled me.

Zayn, the brave one.
Zayn is anything but the brave one. He is extremely fragile. The strong mask he puts in front of the world is fake.

I know him.
And I want him.

"You want coffee?" Louis asked, looking down at me. I nodded and got up, "I'll get it myself."

I pressed the buttons on the vending machine. The warm coffee filled the cup and I turned around with it.

The boys were standing in a circle around a doctor. I pushed my way through and ran to them.

"How is Zayn? Where is he?" I asked the doctor. My heart was beating at an irrational speed.

He's good.
He's good.
He's good.

Say it.

"I'm sorry. Mister Malik is..." With one sentence, my world collapsed all over again.

A/N: Double update!

You want to kill me? I know you do.


Lots of love,
Eishita xoxo

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