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Okay so I know this is a joke book and everything but I Just wanted to do one chapter for a very serious situation. I am pretty sure you guys have all seen or heard of bulling and have probably talked about it in school with teachers but in getting mad at people. I try to understand why people try to be all cool and just make fun of someone. Of course that person just takes it without realizing sometimes.  Sure it's okay to joke around sometime with your best friends but there is a line where it has happen  every day of my life to Where people make fun of someone else.. let me tell you a quick short story... I was in science class later this year and I guess I kind of made a small comment that sounded bad but I really didn't mean it that way.  A popular ish kid just yelled to the whole class that I was mean. At first I didn't really take it hard because it is not something you take hard at first and then I realize that I wasn't the only person who actually was a "mean" type of person. I just want everyone to think before they speak because sometimes it can really hurt someone.. I'm sorry to all the people I may have hurt in my past years and if I ever do it again just slap right then and there. Sometimes I say blonde jokes or something in the book and I don't want it to offend anyone. If it does please pm me. I do care and it may seem like I don't but I really do.

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