An Abomination

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    Charlotte was sitting in her room thinking about going out when all of a sudden she heard one of the mothers call out “Charlotte! Charlotte! Come quick!” It was Tina, the one who handled the adoptions. This could only mean one thing some crazy person was here to to adopt her… I wonder if this one will tell the same story and then try to kill me like the others did. Charlotte had been adopted six other times and had been sent to the hospital with life threatening injuries that should have killed her six different times. All six times each person told the same story: she was an abomination that should be killed because she had magical powers that shouldn’t even exist. “Charlotte this is Mr. and Mrs. Josane. As it turns out we were finally able to find someone in your family.”

“B-but how? we don’t even know who my parents are?”

“The Josane's have been searching for you since you were a baby. They were the first people to find out you were born. Apparently your parents sent you here when you were a baby because there were some people after them and they wanted you to live. After dropping you off they had told your father’s brother that they had taken you to an orphanage but wouldn’t tell them which one. Shortly after that they were murdered. Nobody knows who did it, but your aunt and uncle want to take you home and care for you.” Charlotte sat there in silence trying to work through the information she was just given. Did she trust them? No. Do they really want her? Maybe. Are they really her family? Yes. She could see that her eyes and hair were extremely similar to her uncle's meaning that she got that from her father. Hopefully they really do want her and want to take care of her like their own child.

They filled out the forms they had to fill out before they could take her home and then Charlotte followed them to their car. Already they were different from the others. The others all had fancy cars as if they were rich whereas the Josane’s had a beaten down pick up truck that has clearly seen better days. On the way to their home, the Josane’s, or John and Sherry as they asked her to call them, stopped to an animal shelter and let her pick out any animal she wanted, saying “You grew up without love so we wanted to get you something that you could love and that could love you forever.” Charlotte picked out a tiny little German Shepard puppy that was being picked on by the other puppies. She named him Ares after the greek god of war because she knew he would be a powerful dog when he grew up. John and Sherry were slowly but surely gaining Charlotte’s trust. She was still very wary of them, but she wasn’t as afraid anymore. They got to the home and Sherry showed Charlotte where her room was and gave her some time to unpack before calling her downstairs so that they could talk to her.

“Charlotte, I know how hard your life has been before we adopted you so I will be honest. I know that the last six people who adopted you all told you the same story. The story that they told you was true but they left out a few major details. Your father and mother are from two different tribes of magicians these two tribes had been at war for years before you were even born. Your parents met and fell in love despite their differences. You see your father had the power to wield fire and a small amount of earth while your mother could wield water with bit of air. People have been after you since they knew about your existence because you can potentially wield all four elements. You are, by far the most powerful magician that has ever been born. Me and my wife don’t want to harm you. Instead we want to train you. We want peace and you are the only person who can help us with that. You could choose to help one tribe over the other or you could just stop the war. The choice is yours and yours alone.” John was the only person that has been honest with her in a while and she respected him for that she could almost always tell when someone was telling the truth and in this moment John was telling the truth.

“I believe you John… before we do anything though can I ask if you have any pictures of my parents? I would at least like to know what they looked like because I’ll never have the chance to meet them. After that we can begin training. I would like there to be a treaty with the two tribes.”

“Of course, follow me. Sherry and I have all the pictures that your parents ever took together up in the attic.”

Charlotte and John spent about an hour and a half up in the attic while Sherry took it upon herself to set up the backyard so Charlotte could train.  It was a good thing they lived in the middle of nowhere so nobody could see them training. It took Charlotte a while to get the hang of using her powers but once she started there was no stopping her. Her powers were more extensive than anyone could ever have dreamed of and she quickly started to discover more to her powers and what she could actually do. In the end not only could she control the five main elements including nature, but also lightning, ice, shadows, teleportation, healing, telekinesis, and she could communicate with the dead. This one power is the one that took them all by surprise. One day when Charlotte was meditating she had opened her eyes and saw two slightly transparent figures that she immediately recognized as her parents. John was meditating right next to him so she told him that she could see her parents. John encouraged her to talk to them so she did. She was completely shocked and couldn't believe that this was really happening. That she was really talking to her parents.

As time went on she master her powers one by one and at the end of the year she had mastered them all and it was finally time to bring the war to an end. Charlotte, John, and Sherry traveled across the country to where the two tribes were located. They were in the middle of a battle when she arrived so she walked to the middle of the battlefield, stopping all the bursts of power as she walked.

“My name is Charlotte Josane. Many of you know me as an abomination. Many of you also tried to kill me. I am here to speak to the two leaders of the tribes.” As she finished speaking two men with their wives began making their way towards her. I took her by surprise to realize that these were her grandparents. John never told her that her parents were the next in line to lead their tribes. She ignored her surprise and used her powers to create a soundproof barrier so that the three of them could talk in peace. She also created a tree to shade them and give them a place to sit. After they were all seated she began to speak. “You are my grandparents and I do not want to harm any of you or your people, nor do I want you to harm anymore of each other's people. When I first came to learn about my powers I was told that I would have to choose which side I wanted to win.” they all began to speak at once until she held up a hand to silence them. “I could also choose to end the fighting and create peace between the two tribes. By what I’ve already said you have probably realized that I want there to be peace.” The four others within the bubble all looked at each other and thought of how many they had already lost in this pointless war and agreed to the peace. The five of them worked together and wrote a peace treaty that would last for centuries. The two tribes would live together and the current leaders decided to step down from their positions and, despite her protest, they decided that Charlotte should lead them all. They went to tell their people and they all realized that enough was enough and that they should unite and protect each other rather than killing each other.

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