The Deal of a Lifetime

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It was a sad and dreary evening in London ten years ago, much like it always is. A young woman, let's call her Chloe, was walking the streets alone, mumbling under her breath and thinking. Thinking of what she could do to save the one she loved most, but before we get to that part of the story, let's go back to how it all began.

~20 Years Before That~

The young girl that was fastened in the seat behind her parents was Chloe. Chloe was only four years old when it happened. It was a rare sunny day in London and Chloe's parents wanted to take her to the park for her birthday. Chloe was running around having fun when she saw a tall, skinny man in a trench coat and baseball cap approach her parents. The man scared her because her mommy looked scared and not many people could scare her mommy. Chloe went to go stand behind her mommy. "Mommy, why do you look scared?" She asked.

"It's okay darling go play." her mom replied trying to look brave for her daughter's sake. Little Chloe did what her mommy said to do and went back to the playground without knowing what was about to happen. She was just about to the swings when she heard her mother scream. She quickly turns around to see her mother on the ground and the tall man stabbing her father. "MOMMY! DADDY!" the little girl screamed while running up to the now lifeless bodies of her parents. "Mommy please wake up. Daddy, why aren't you awake to wake mommy up? Mommy Daddy please wake up you promised me ice cream."

"Well isn't that sweet. Have a great life as an orphan little Chloe!" The tall man said maliciously before he turned and walked away. You see at this point I may be asked where was everyone? Why didn't anyone help the poor little girl? Well, you see this small family wanted to go to the park early so there wouldn't be too many people and it would be easier to watch their precious daughter. In the end, you can see that it clearly did not work out in their favor because nobody found the poor little girl who was hugging the dead bodies of her parents for several hours. The police had shown up and had to pry the little girl off of her parents' bodies.

Several weeks passed and the little girl went through some of the most difficult times of her life. She went to her parents funeral and just stood at their caskets begging them to wake up, but they didn't. They never woke up. Little Chloe was sent to live in an orphanage. After several years a little boy around her age came to live at the orphanage too. The thing that made this boy stand out from all the other children that came in was that he actually wanted to be her friend. All the other children had picked on her for no apparent reason. All of the nuns would just tell her it's because they all thought she was too pretty, but how could that be Chloe thought, my hair is too light my eyes too dark, and I'm always too fat. But what Chloe didn't know was that she was actually the prettiest girl there, of course, that's kinda biased in my opinion because I am dating her. As you can probably guess the young boy, Lucas, and Chloe became really good friends. When they were 17, they started dating, and when they had been kicked out of the orphanage, they had moved in together. Ever since then we've been dating. We had both bonded over our troubled pasts. The murder of her parents and well, my dad was not the kind of person children should be around. My father was a debt collector/serial killer, and in his free time he would teach me how to kill and if I didn't do something correctly then he would beat me. The police finally caught him when I was ten and I was sent to an orphanage. Not many people know what happened to me because I hate the pitying looks. Chloe was the one person I've told. But I have a couple of secrets even she doesn't know. One of which I'll tell you right now. My father was the one who killed her parents. Yes, I know cliche. Father kills girl's parents so girl goes rushing into the son's arms, but that's not how it happened. I never knew that my father killed her parents until she told me the name of the murder. Of course, that was years after we met. She was very closed off and reserved as was I of course. Now, most people would say I'm a good guy which I won't argue with that. I  mean most of the time I am, but Chloe doesn't know is that I need a new heart. My doctors say I won't have too much longer if I don't get a new heart. My father taught me the best way to kill someone without damaging their heart and where it keeps them alive just long enough for them to get to the hospital. I'm sure you've already guessed it by now, but yes, at night I do go kill people so I can possibly get a heart transplant. I don't want to leave Chloe here by herself she needs someone here for her. Yes, she is a strong young woman, but inside she is so fragile. Or at least I thought she was... until that fateful night when she made her deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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