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February 18, 2017

I parked the stollen car in a No Parking zone.

I climbed out slowly, after attaching a note to the dark tinted window.

Then, I walked to onto the bridge.

I peered over the edge.

The blue waves stared right back at me.

I breathed in the salty air, the crisp scent of seawater.

I felt peaceful. I didn't have a care in the world.

I was going to be free.

I was going to get my wish.

I was going to retrieve my hope.

I was going to have my dream.

I was going to be free.

With that, I jumped into the dark blue sea, allowing the waves to engulf my fragile body.

I was going to be free.



I Repeat:  I M P O R T A N T.

Ok this was chapter was very emotional for me. I cried for hours (not exactly hours but minutes that felt like hours). I had also edited this chapter more than a couple of times. You could say I had writers block.

I was debating weather I should end the book here or add a few more chapters, but I finally decided to stop here. Mostly because I already spilled so much tears that the screen becomes just blurry.

Guys, bullying is NOT okay. AT ALL. I was inspired to write this story based on a biography I had read not too long ago. Of course, my story is a work of fiction, but just letting you know that violent things like in my book, really do happen in real life.

So please please please please! If you see anybody, and I mean ANYONE, small or big, getting bullied, don't be a bystander. Help out! Please!

Trust me, one person can make a difference, but a group of people can make a HUGE difference.

So go out there and save lives, people! Please!


I honestly didn't think I'd end this story with Heaven committing suicide. My original plan was for her...well, you'll have to find out the answer in the bonus chapter, IF I do a bonus chapter.

Aaaand, there will be an epilogue. And perhaps a sequel. But I'm not sure yet, still brainstorming names and ideas for the sequel.

Comment the password if you'd like to see a sequel.

{password is: "peaches.over.apples"}

Comment the second password for the bonus chapter.

{second password is: "limes.are.sour."}

Comment away.

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