Part 2

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I tripped, causing my textbooks to fly out of my hand and land on the cold stone floor of the school with a slam. I pulled myself down and scrambled to grab them.

That day had been the first time YiYangQianXi had said a word to me.  

I remember it all clearly. There had been this hand, reaching at the edge of my vision. Not thinking twice about it, I'd put my own sweaty, clammy hand on it. 

"Thanks . . . " I had started to say. 

My voice caught in my throat when my eyes detected the familiar, formal white shirt. YiYangQianXi. Hastily, I took back my hand. 

The hallway became silent as all my peers held their breath, in wait for his answer. 

"You're welcome."

They were two words. Yet they shook through me from head to toe that day, and left me speechless and stunned. 

But after that day, I couldn't look into his eyes. I couldn't look into those fierce, extraordinary inky spheres of his. 

He had such a soft, caring voice.

And almost as quickly as it came, the moment was gone. 

For the next three years, we were put in different classes. Naturally, my chances of seeing him were becoming smaller and smaller. I slowly forgot about the smart boy dressed in the formal white shirt, his fierce, extraordinary gaze, and his gentle voice. 

It was not until the spring of our first year in High School, that we met again. It had been a rainy day-- the kind of day that required an umbrella. Plummeting beads of raindrops shattered on my head while I splashed through the puddles forming on the road.

I tripped. 

It must've looked comical. If it hadn't been, a boy to my right wouldn't have started laughing. Which is, exactly what happened. 

His face softened. Dimples, small strokes curved under both sides of his mouth. His eyes squinted, and his eyebrows curved down towards to his ears. Water dripped down the strips of his hair.

His continuous laugh, a warm, echoing one, resonated in my head even when it had stopped.

I smiled back hesitantly.

Then my eyes trailed off to his thin shirt, a formal white one that hung from his shoulders.

And I realized.

"YiYangQianXi!" I yelled.

But he'd already disappeared into the rain.

He was gone. 

It's 11:05 pm right now, so I have to stop. Sorry about the fact that it's short. I wish I had more time. . . to write more!

- Irenidagenie

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