Chapter 2

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A few hours later,a knock is heard on the front door.Samantha opens and there stands two police officers.

"Hi,is this the Mandeece household?",the tall,dark skinned cop asks.

"Yes,who's asking?",she asks.

"Sorry for disturbing,I'm officer Griffins", he says holding out his badge,"And this is my colleague,officer Cele",he says pointing to the short,grim looking man besides him.

She invites them in and says,"what brings you here if I may ask?"

"Well,what brings us here today concerns your son,Chris.He was found drunk,and in possession of various drugs:marijuana,cocaine and tik.Apparently,he attacked and brutally beat up a peer and took off running,he was arrested shortly.He apologized and charges against him were dropped,but was fined for the possession of drugs.He's on probation now and if he does it again,he'll be sent back straight to jail".Explains officer Cele.

She nods,"That's all?",she asks not even trying to care.

"Well we have a request for you",speaks officer Griffins.

"What?",she asks,annoyance laced all over her tone.

"We think it would be best if you keep an eye on him and update us anytime you can",he answers.

"Ok",she answers,anticipating their departure,

"Well thank you for your time,that would be all for now",officer Cele speaks up as they head for the door.

"Oh,and here's our card,you can call anytime",says officer Griffins handing her the card as Samantha opens the door.

"Thank you,now bye", she says shooing them and aggressively shutting her door,grunting and groaning.

Tianne peeks in and watches as her mother breathes heavily,balling her hands into fists.

Tianne's POV

I watch as my mother tries to restrain herself from being angry.I badly wanna go to her and give her a hug or just assure her it's gonna be ok,but I'm afraid she's gonna take it out on me,like she has done a few times before.I look at her for a few seconds and decide to go back to my room as the sight just breaks my heart.As I turn,her fury filled eyes meet mine.I freeze and seconds later I feel it...a hot pang on my cheek.Still frozen,I blink my eyes and tears start flowing.She slaps me again,twice.After my little haze,I run back to my room and lock it.I cry my eyes out and end up falling asleep on the floor.

Samantha's POV

Those two cops annoyed and angered me too much.I can't believe they let him out just like that,I mean,he's just gonna depress me and my babies even more.I'm so angry right now😠.I look up and see my 10 year old turning around to go to her room,or so I think.Our eyes meet and I can see fear in her eyes,infuriating me even more.I walk up to her frozen self and slap her thrice across the face,she turns around running to her room with tears in her eyes.I realise what I'd just done."Oh my God nooo!Baby come back I'm so sorry",I say running behind her.She slams the door in my face,I sigh defeated and walk back to my room,take 4 sleeping pills and climb into bed...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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