Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I hate this city." John muttered as he stared at their surroundings, "I hope we never have to come back here after all of this is over."

Tommy shook his head, "London is the place where everything begins, after the ball we shall finally be able to conquer it."

"Why would you want to conquer this place?"

"So we become the most powerful family in the country, why else would I want to?"

Arthur joined the conversation, "Isn't Birmingham enough for you Tom? Why do we need even more?"

"Power. We need more power."

"Power comes at a price." Michael told them as he stepped forward.

John laughed, "And do we really need London?"

"Of course." Tommy replied as he dropped his cigarette onto the floor, "Now, let's go and have a good night in the infamous Crawford club."

"I hate this place too." 

The brothers and cousin all stared at him, a bemused expression covering all their faces, "Of course you do John, you hate anything that reminds you of the late Poisoned Rose."

"Don't call her that." John glared at Arthur, "She was much more than the bloody Poisoned Rose." 

"Yeah." Michael agreed with him, "She was the girl you were in love with."

John said nothing as they walked down the stairs and into the vibrant club that always seemed so full of life. 

"Now, act happy, they don't need to know you were in love with her." Tommy warned his brother, "If they found out then things could become even more complicated and dangerous.

The four men sat down at a table and ordered themselves a couple of drinks, "They do know how to party, I'll give them that." Michael said as he looked around the group, "Do you think there will be any nice girls for us."

"No." John replied quickly, "Tonight it's only men, and the Poisoned Rose would have been here but instead it's her sister." 

They all looked over to the girl that resembled the woman they had all grown to care for, "She didn't get the looks of the family, did she?" Arthur asked as he began to laugh. 

"I don't think she cares about that." Tommy replied, his eyes still trained on the sister, "She has now got everything she has ever wanted, Rose is dead and she is slowly but surely taking over the role of the Poisoned Rose."

"Not very well though, she is still terrible." John muttered.

"Would you brighten up a bit." Arthur told his brother, "I know you are grieving but let go of it all and enjoy your night."

"How can we enjoy ourselves in this lair. They could kill us right now if they truly wished it."

Tommy shook his head, "John, do be quiet."

Charlotte began to walk over towards them and sat down opposite the men, before seductively staring at Michael, "What a glorious surprise, the Peaky Blinders are here."

"Good to see you again -" John cut himself off, "I'm ever so sorry but I can't quite remember your name."

"Charlotte." She told him through gritted teeth, "I can't remember who you are either, the only Peaky Blinder worth remembering is Mr Tommy Shelby. And you, who are you?" She asked Michael.

"The only Crawford worth remembering was Rose." Michael said harshly. 

Hurt flashed across her features before she managed to regain her look of coolness, "Oh of course, you all are still loyal to my late sister. It was such a shame."

"I'm sure it was." Tommy said while drinking his drink, "Your family must be grieving deeply, losing two of the siblings in such a short amount of time."

"Oh yes, it has all been very hard for us. But we shall get through, Crawford's always do."

"I'm sure there will be a time you shan't." 

Charlotte stared at him, "I must remind you that the only reason you are here is because of the generosity of the Crawford family."

"I must remind you that the only reason you are here is because your sister is dead." Tommy told her coldly, "Even in the aftermath of her death, you are the second favourite."

"You know nothing about my family. And you like to believe you knew Rose but believe me she was very good at pretending and telling you what you wanted to hear. She was not the person you thought her to be."

"She wasn't the monster you thought she was." John said, "She was clever, charming and knew exactly how to win even if you thought she was losing."

Charlotte laughed, "Oh look, she managed to make you fall for her. That was another thing she was ever so talented out." None of the Blinders said anything, "Well, I need to get back to work. It was a terrible shame my dear sister had to die."

The mousy haired girl stood up and then turned around before she sauntered over to a group of men, including the man that had taken Rose's body away from them. The four Shelby's continued to watch the group and surprise flashed through them as they saw the remaining Crawford sister laugh loudly and a grin of happiness cling onto her. 

"I hate this place." John muttered while shaking his head and then proceeding to drink the remains of his drink, "Why can't we just burn it all down after we kill them?"

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