Chapter 2

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A ghost of a smile played in her eyes, he was sure of it. "You'll have to earn that." Cami's voice was breathy, his normal response would have been to pull over and kick her out. No one makes Jon Moxley earn anything. They weren't worth the effort, but as he looked over at her. He couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Shouldn't be hard." He snarled, trying to act casual. She didn't flinch, didn't seem offended, she slouched down in her seat with a smug smile and shrugged. He liked her. He didn't know why but she was different.

"Probably." She said flatly, he held back a chuckle, her honesty was refreshing. He turned back to the road, trying not to focus on her practically naked body beside him. He couldn't stop picturing all the things he wanted to do to her, but could she handle it? He looked back to her briefly she wasn't too thin, she didn't appear frail or weak.

Cami's eyes shifted over to his, wondering what he was thinking. It was like staring into a blank canvas, he hid his thoughts better than anyone she'd ever met. He looked back to the road, no emotion in his movements everything very mechanical. 

The car ride didn't take long, especially when Mox is the driver, stop signs, red lights, and speed limits were all mere suggestions as far as he was concerned. The tires screeched to a halt in front of his place, "Where are we?" Cami asked, she looked at him. He expected fear, uncertainty but they were shining with excitement.

"My place." He climbed out of the car quickly, slamming the door shut behind him. He stalked his way toward his house when he noticed he could only hear one set of footsteps, he turned around. Cami was still sitting in the car, her arms folded across her chest, staring straight ahead. He furrowed his brow, before heading back to the car. "Come." He huffed, she was really starting to get on his nerves.

"Open my door." She demanded back, not even bothering to look at him. Mox's lip twitched with anger, how dare her.

"Let's get one thing straight; I am not a gentleman. I am not the love of your life and you sure as hell aren't mine. I am the man who is going to take you in there," He pointed to his home, his voice rising with each word. "And fuck you until you can't walk straight, put you back on the streets where I found you and get back to my normal life." His hands clasped the hood of his car with a loud thud,

Cami turned to him and licked her lips, "You're right, lets get one thing straight; I will be the best fuck of your life. I do things that no woman would." He swallowed hard, her eyes piercing through his own, Mox had never been challenged like this before. "Treat me like the lowest piece of scum on earth in the bedroom, humiliate me, demean me but when we leave the bedroom I expected to be treated like a human being. Got it?" 

They stared at each other through the window, neither one wanting to back down. His jaw was clenched tight, but he couldn't deny his hard cock was pressing against his zipper. He had never wanted someone so bad in his life, with a growl of frustration, he pulled her door open. A smile spread across her face as she climbed out, her hand rested on his unshaved cheek. "Was that so hard?" She asked,

Mox narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't push me, woman." Amusement sparkled in her eyes, and he pulled her into his arms roughly, her body crashing into his hard. "You'll definitely be paying for that tonight." He snarled,

"Looking forward to it." Her smile didn't waver and he couldn't take it anymore, he forced his lips onto hers roughly. Shoving his tongue down her throat, surprising even him. Mox wasn't a kisser, it was too intimate and gave the girls the wrong idea about their relationship but he wanted to taste her. All of her.

Their lips were locked together in a passionate embrace as they made their way to his front door, they burst through the door not breaking apart. Cami's legs wrapped around his waist, his hands cupping her ass. Both with unsteady breathing, he ran her back into the back of the door to close it behind them. She gasped into his mouth a mix of pleasure and pain. "Ugh can't you wait until you get to the bedroom?" Samantha groaned, looking up from her book on the couch.

The two broke apart, Mox opened his mouth to say something but Cami beat him to it. "Don't be jealous love, you are welcome to join us." She winked at the young girl, Mox looked to Cami surprised by her enthusiasm. Normally he would be all for a three way but he wanted her to himself. He sat her down, took her hand and lead her back to his room. Sammy sat there with her heart in the pit of her stomach. She knew he would be sexually active, that he would fuck many girls within hearing distance of her but something was different with them. She could feel it.

Cami laid naked on his bed, watching him intently, Mox pulled a candle out of his drawer with a lighter. "I thought you couldn't be romantic?" She taunted as he lit the candle, he laughed.

"This is not for romance, my dear." He whispered his voice more gravely than usual, he hadn't been this excited for a new playmate in a long time. He tilted the candle over her left thigh, hot wax falling to her skin, she flinched ever so slightly but let out a moan of pleasure. He moved the candle up hovering over her bare chest, and pours more; sure to cover her erect nipple as well. She let out a gasp and reached for his belt,

Mox pulled back, "Tisk tisk, patience Cami." He frowned, she pouted but obeyed and pulled her hands back. "I touch you. You don't touch me. Got it?" He asked sternly, she nodded. "Got it?" He asked again, his eyes narrowing. Nothing annoyed him more than not being answered properly. She nodded again, and his hand flew across her cheek in response.

"I got it." She said quickly, her hand grasping her red cheek. He smiled,

"Good." He slowly undid his belt, watching her closely to see if she was having second thoughts but to his surprise she didn't look afraid she looked even more excited than before. "Put your hands above your head." He commanded, she did as she was told. Mox took his thick brown leather belt and tied her wrist to the metal headboard.      

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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