Chapter |9|

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By the time I arrived at the front of the toy store the boy and I were soaked to the core. I hurriedly unlocked and opened the door and quickly locking it behind me. The sounds of thunder bellows in the distance. The lights in the store were turned off which left the store in complete darkness besides the grey light from outside seeping through the windows. Something didn't feel right.

"Hello" I called out, lightning strikes outside sending flashes of white light into the store illuminating it before it going completely dark again.

Then Dex pops out from behind the counter acting innocent as always. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The boy in my arms starts to shiver again. I walk over to the door that leads to the back room and lay him down on the couch hidden from the view of the store. I also lay a blanket on top of his small frame after a couple of seconds he stops shivering and finally sleeps peacefully. I run my fingers through my damp hair looking around, Dex sitting patiently in the door way. I turn the lap that sat on the side table next to the couch. Light instantly fills the small room, scaring the darkness away.

"Hey boy, where is everyone" I said bending down to Dex's height and giving him a good pet. All of a sudden I hear a bang upstairs where I left the boys and a couple of foot steps before everything goes silent again. I wait silently trying to asses what just happened I thought it was the boys that must have knocked something over but those footsteps were to heavy to be theirs. I looked back down at Dex.

He whimpers and tries to back away. Something definitely isn't right. I stand up and head towards the bottom of the stairs. Another lightening strikes and illuminates the top of the stairs nothing was there, but I know there is something up that I know this cause none of the boys have made a single sound since I got back. I look around me for something to use as a weapon but all I found was a pair of fabric scissors, this will have to do. I look down at Dex who looks up at me with pleading eyes not to go up there, he whimpered again.

"Look after the boy make sure nothing hurts him alright" I whisper to Dex

He understood and padded over to the boys sleeping body and laid down on the ground right in front of the couch ready for anything to attack. I look back towards the stairs nothing but darkness as far as I could see. I slowly and quietly making my way up the stairs making not to make a sound. I have seen so many horror movies and I know what your thinking 'stay downstairs don't go up there' or 'your going to die' but I need to see if the boys are okay. I reach the top of the stairs darkness is all I see besides the static Tv screen and the sound of the rain hitting the open window. Wait, why is the window open. I quickly run over to the window the rain drops hit my warm skin causing goosebumps to appear on my arm. I struggle to close the window. With all my strength I finally slam the window shut the windows edges starting to fog up from the cold thunder bellows outside and another lightening strike closer to the window.

What scared me the most was when I was two green glowing lights in the windows reflection. My eyes widened at the sight my body frozen as I stare into the window. The sounds of footsteps echo behind me, I squeeze the scissors in my hand tighter getting ready to attack. Another blot of lightening strikes and thunder pounds outside the store. Once my eyes focus the green lights are directly behind me. In panic, I spin and raise the scissors and aim it straight for his chest, but is stopped as a black hand shoots up and grabs my arm.

"Let me go! What did you do with my dolls!" I yell at him trying to get out of his grip. But his grip is stronger than I thought. With his other hand he grabs he scissors from my hand and throws them against the wall where it was implanted from the force of his throw. Fear sets in as I realize that I was going to die at the hands of a man with glowing green eyes (AN: anyone know who it is *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*) he reached out his other hand towards my face I close my eyes waiting for he pain to come but all I feel is gentle fingers caress my cheek. Another bolt of lightning flashes and I was able to see who is was. Red waist coat, red hair, black pants, dark purple trench coat. Jason!

The lights flicker on, I love over to where the light switch would be and saw Paschalis his red hair braided in places, place red eyes, his black and white face designed as a skull, his purple suit cut out in a skeleton shape of his ribs(AN: I suck at explaining I'll leave a picture of him above). Jason drops his hand from my cheek and the other dropped my hand.

"Where's Jack and Candy" I asked looking around the room

Then out of nowhere candy comes crashing down from the ceiling landing on the wooden floor with a bang.

"Ow~" he said laying face down on the floor.

"Get up you idiot why were you hiding on the roof" Paschalis said lifting Candy off the ground.

"Well I was trying to hide sorry I didn't merger into the darkness like you two" Candy pouts as his light blue hair bounces around with bells on the ends.

"Um guys where's Jack" I asked I said distracting them from their arguing.

Jason looked at me thinking about he was going to say before a loud bang sounded from downstairs and barking followed afterwards. I wasted no time and grabbed the scissors that was implanted into the wall and ran downstairs Candy, Paschalis and Jason following behind me. I saw Jack laying on the ground with a body above him. The guys knee was pressed against Jack's neck trying to choke him. My blood begin to fizzle all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating 40 times a second, I didn't know I was moving till I had side kicked the guy in the white jumper off of Jack. He crashed into the wall he let go of the object he was holding which I found out was a big butchers knife. I walked up to his body which was now slumping against the wall.

I lifted him up and punched him in the stomach causing him to grunt at that point I looked at his face. It was bleached white, his eyes looked like they had been burnt off and his mouth was cut from ear to ear in a permanent smile. It startled me which he took the perfect opportunity to kick me in the stomach which sent me flying back I waited for my back to slam against the wall but a puff of black smoke enclosed around me and familiar black and white arms with clawed hands wrap around my frame protecting me.

"Jeff! What are you doing here?!" Jason yelled standing in front of Jack and I.

The man who Jason named Jeff stood up off the ground his crazd eyes looked at Jason with surprise.

"Where have you been all this time we all thought you abandoned us....but you were with this-" he looked towards me with disgust " know the rule Jason you kill any human that gets in our way" he growled picking up his knife from its place on the ground and walk towards Jack and I but Candy and Paschalis moved in front of us as well blocking Jeff's view of me. Jeff at them all in shock "you have all got to be joking you really want to protect this stupid human than be with your own kind" he scoffed

Jason narrowed his eyes at Jeff "oh well it seems like I'm not welcome here anymore but he will be watching and he will be coming after her hahahahahahahaha" he laughed crazily as he disappears into the darkness of the hallway door entering into the toy store. Everything seems to calm down everything except Dex who's hunched over the boys sleeping body I'm surprised that he was still asleep after everything that happened earlier. I looked up at Jack his face looked guarded as if the Jeff character will appear again any second. Paschalis, Candy and Jason all started to talk about something but I blocked it out while I was checking out Jack. His arms seems to not want to let me go, his shaggy black hair reach just above his eyes, his eyes were the most compelling part about him the most pale blue I've ever seen it was beautiful.

"Beautiful" I whispered by accident.

I prayed to myself that he didn't hear it but my prays weren't answered. His place eyes stopped looking at the doorway and down at my face with his guarded expression still in place. His black lips tweaked at the edged as if amused at what he heard I looked away trying to stop him from seeing my blush that appeared on my face.

"Your blush is beautiful" he whispered in my ear causing me to blush more

He must of noticed because he let out a airy laugh which caused me to smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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