The Diary

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'It's rather interesting in the Red Army,' Holton noted in her bright purple journal, tapping her sparkly pink gel pen's tip to her chin, thinking. She then continued writing. 'The Sergeant doesn't exactly appear to have a name, but I bet everyone else would call him Sarge, even if so. He's a little strict sometimes, and sometimes, I don't agree with his decisions. But hey, he's the Sergeant, and we gotta do what he says. Even if he's a big clod.
     'But in general, his followers were not what I was expecting. To begin, the maroon one... the nerd... He's kind of cute in his own way, but he's just... really insecure, I can't put my finger on it.' She wrote, pausing, then gently put her finger on the word 'it'. "Oh wait, yes I can," She giggled. She then continued, 'Maybe they just aren't used to a girl here. That's fine by me.
     'Second off, that orange one was just... He's awful! He's so lazy and he complains all the time, and he eats all the food! In the two days i've been here, he has already caused so much problems. I can see why the others joke about killing him. Pssh.
     'Now, that pink one... he's actually pretty damn adorable, even though he phrases things wrong most of the time. He's totally gay though, hands down. And I wish that robot Lopez could speak English, then I might have someone smart and that isn't socially awkward to talk to. That would be amazing. Someone that follows orders, someone that understands what they're told, and someone with respect to give and to earn respect back... I wish I knew someone like that. I just can't wait until my first mission! Day 2' she finished, then closing her spiral notebook, putting the pen in the rings, and latching the lock on it shut.
     She took some time to look about her room. Holton had been so angsty about first impressions, what her room would look like, what the people would be like, who they would be fighting, ETC. She never got the time, in her mind, to sit down and look around.
     The wallpaper was bland, very bland. It was beige. Terrible beige.
     The bed could probably break her back if she laid in the right position.
     The wardrobe had a family of rats in it, and no clothes except another armor set.
     The nightstand was rotted away at the legs.
     It felt like home sweet home.
     Holton sighed, opening a drawer on the nightstand, shooing a massive spider out of it casually as she set her diary inside, sliding the drawer back in with a loud snap. "Yikes."
     She laid down on the bed, her original crimson armor scattered on the concrete floor around her. Holton was clad with a white tank-top, dark red sweatpants, and a lime green bra. She huffed, laying on her chest, burying her face into the pillow. The room was already dark; she was using a flashlight to write earlier. She sighed, pulling the red sheets over herself, closing her eyes and allowing herself to drift into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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