School: Part 1

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When Bucky Barnes first said hi to Steve, Steve kept walking.

"Hey," said a voice from behind him, then a light tap on his shoulder. Steve finally stopped then and turned around to see Bucky grinning down at him.

A word on Bucky Barnes. He was known as the rebel around school. It was like he was plucked from a bad '80s movie. He was tall and wore a leather jacket and rode a motorcycle to school and he was always leaning back in his chair and scowled when teachers talked to him. He hung out with a group of people that threw huge parties every weekend.

Steve couldn't be more different. He was short and scrawny and wore thick glasses and was a straight-A student and always called teachers sir or ma'am. Steve didn't really have any friends, and his weekend consisted of studying and drawing.

They'd never spoken before. They were in the same English class, but Steve was at least eighty-three percent certain that Bucky didn't know that he existed. Until now, of course.

", hi," Steve said, his heart pounding. He didn't exactly have a crush on Bucky, but Steve had spent more than a little time wondering whether Bucky kissed gently or roughly.

"You doing anything fun tonight, Rogers?"

"What? No. Not really."

Bucky shifted his weight. "In that case, there's this diner on Brooklyn Street. You interested?"

Steve blinked. "Are you...asking me on"

"I think so."

Steve felt himself blushing, and he quickly looked down. "Uh, yes! Yeah, yeah, I would—I'd love to."

He looked up. Bucky was smiling at him, the kind of genuine smile he almost never wore. It made Steve's heart do a kind of backflip.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 8."

"Yeah...yeah...see you then."

A/N: It's been a while, guys! Part 2 is coming soon.

Also, I just want you guys to know that I'm not trying to be rude when I don't reply to comments. I get really excited when I get a notification that someone commented, and I read all of them. I'm just not sure how to reply to most of them.

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