Chapter 26: threats pilling up

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Sami had decided to ignore the death threat but after many weeks more and more came and Sami was getting worried. That following morning Morgan and Mason were at the table eating. Honey your food is getting cold Morgan sipped her coffee in her pink mug. Its okay honey I'm not hungry today Sami poured some coffee into his i like Sami Zayn mug. He took a sip. But Sami its your favorite Morgan looked kinda sad since she cooked today. I know but i have alot of Aarons today. If you want i could drive you there said Morgan. Now its okay I'll just go said Sami. He left out the door. I don't understand whats wrong with your father Morgan said. Maybe he's having a bad day Mason looked at the table. No i know Sami he's up to something and I'm going find out what it is Morgan got up from the table going upstairs. Sami had just arrived at the bank and hardly anyone was there. He walked to window 2 and a young woman was behind the counter. Hello i can i help you sir she looked very firm and half her chest was out. I need to speak to someone about taking out a large amount of money out of here Sami clutched the marble counter leaning over it. Come around the side I'll let you in. Sami walked on the side and the young lady let him in through the door. Sami followed the woman into the back were there were glass offices. They went inside a glass office and she closed the door. Sami sat down and so did she. So whats the problem again sir she flipped her hair. I told you already Sami handed the paper that was folded up into four equal sections to her. The lady accepted the paper and began reading it. So can you help me or not Sami turned bright red whipping his face. Well 20,000$ is alot of money to be taking out. I know but its for my daughter someone is threatening to kill her and I'm not letting that happen. Well what will do in oder to save your little girl the came closer to Sami getting on her knees. I will do anything it takes she's my child. Good that's all i needed to hear the lady said undoing Sami's pants. Woah woah what the hell are you doing Sami backed up. Well you said that you'll do what ever it takes so Im taking advantage. Do you do this to all your clients? Just you there's something special about you. Well I'm a married man and i love my wife very much i wouldn't dare hurt her for you or anyone. I made that mistake before I'm not doing it again. Well if you wanna save your daughter you better do it or I'll make sure no one helps you. Meanwhile Taylor and Cesaro were getting ready to go to her ultrasound appointment by doctor Orton. Cesaro had Tyson driving because he didn't feel like driving and someone needed to keep an eye on Taylor. They arrived at the doctor's office and Cesaro and Taylor went upstairs while Tyson went joy riding in the car. Cesaro went to the window. Yes sir i see you how can i help you the old lady said. My girlfriend has an appointment here. Yes i know everyone here has an appointment. What's the appointment for? The baby thingy he said. Baby thingy what is that. I don't know what that is be specific. Taylor whats it called he said. An ultrasound she said. Oh okay an ultrasound the lady said. Than she added whats her last name? Zayn Taylor Zayn. Okay sir are you her father? No i am not i am her boyfriend. Okay well her parents need to be here under the law because she's still a minor. Well i am an adult so. Yeah but Shes a minor her parents need to know about this because its against the law. This is bullshit. I'm sorry sir its the law if you don't like it you can call Mr and Mrs Zayn. No dont Taylor shouted. Well until they are notified about the ultrasound I can not see her the lady said. Fuck you Cesaro punched the window.  Just than Dr Orton came find out the door. What's going on he said. I can't see this young lady because she's a minor and her parents aren't here. Yeah Im sorry but she's right the law is the law you gotta tell them sooner or later in order to have a happy healthy baby now have a nice day he said. Cesaro shook his hand from punching the glass. Do need me to take a look at your hand Cesaro Randy said. No take a look at this said Cesaro putting up the middle finger as him and Taylor left. They got into the car Cesaro slammed the door.  So how did it go Tyson said eating a hamburger. It went awful and what did i tell you about eating in this car Cesaro said. Sorry boss I'm almost done. I dont care Cesaro slapped the burger out of Tyson kidd's hand. So tell me about what happened Tyson yawned. They wouldn't even see her. What the fuck!!!! Why not? They said because she's only 16 and because Sami and Morgan don't know about it. That's stupid!!! They clam its the law Cesaro said in a childish voice. So how will you find out when the baby is coming and the gender and stuff? That's the hard part no one is going help us simply because of that. And on top of that i think i broke my hand. Cesaro held his hand up. How said Tyson as he touched it. I hit that booth. Damn bro. I know I'm so pissed off. Just take it easy said Taylor. Take it easy take it easy!!! Your the reason why i punched the glass and I'm in this shit. Cesaro was now yelling. Well excuse me i didn't get pregnant by myself she said. Cesaro slapped Taylor and her nose started bleeding. Dont you ever talk to me like that again. Tyson drive he said as they pulled off. Meanwhile that day Sami didn't come home until much later. Yes he did have sex with that lady but he wasn't going share this with Morgan as she wouldn't understand. Sami how ever was able to have the money transferred to his savings account though so that was a start. As soon as he got in Sami went straight into the shower. He felt nasty and awful. He hoped this would never happen again as he felt dishonest and like he had failed Morgan the kids and his whole family. Sami spent at least in hour in the bathroom. When he got out he felt worse than we got in. He put on his pajamas and went straight to bed. Where were you at Mr Zayn Morgan said next to him. I told you i had alot of Aarons to do Sami said closing his eyes. Aarons dont take that long Sami. Well mine did today. Whatever your hiding own up to it like a man. I'm not hiding nothing. Sami i know you and i know when your lying. Morgan please i just wanna sleep that's all i ask. And all i ask for is the truth but you can't seem to give it no one can. I wanna know what the hell is going on in life right now it isn't even safe anymore. I wanna know why my husband lied about dying, why my son is gay, when my daughter is god knows where. Why Bo Dallas Cant leave shit alone. This isnt the life i wanted my kids to be born into. I know honey Sami got up. We are going get through this i promise. Morgan cried than tell me what happened Sami. Nothing did Morgan. Fine I'll figure this out i promise you that. I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight Sami got his pillow going down stairs. Just than Morgan was walking into the bathroom because Sami had left his clothes in the. And you'll never believe what Morgan found in his back pocket of his jeans a used condom!!! Meanwhile that night Taylor cried herself to sleep. She wanted a life her baby would be happy in but Cesaro's anger issues weren't helping out and she felt hopeless. She knew in her heart that her parents somewhat cared and for that she felt guilty for her actions. She even missed her little brother she had not spoke to Mason in like for weeks since she left the house and it was killing her as she Wasn't allowed to talk to anyone. That night Taylor did the one thing she never did before she started calling on God asking him why she was the way she was. why couldn't she be normal, and why she fell in love at such a young age. She asked god what was the one thing that she needed to make all this craziness go away and everything back to some what normal and his answer was, your parents.

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