Chapter Eight

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When we got there I was put in a emergency room. Nick was by my side as they put stiches in my arm. They said that it would have to be took out in a couple of weeks. I have to admit it hurt.

Like a lot. But I get why Nick did what he did. Knowing he wanted to keep me safe. I look up at him as I see him staring right back at me.

I smile knowing how lucky I am to be with this man right now. I couldn't help but hold his hand when we crossed the street to the mail. He went and held on to my hand as we went that way till we got to the mall. I went and used the restroom when we got there.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look to good. My make up was still all over after last night. Now my hair has tree branches in it, I needed to take a shower.

I got out of there and seen Nick waiting for me. I seen him looking at one of the jewelry stores. Looking through necklaces. I smiled again as I went over to him.

He saw me and held my hand again. Which cot me by surprise. But I went and held his hand as I was starting to look around. " Do you like anything here? "

He said as he looked at the rings. I let go of his hand and went to the necklace place and saw a locket that was plan goldish color. I looked back at Nick as he knew I was going to ask him. " Which one do you want? "

He said as I heard that almost annoyingness in his voice but I didn't say anything as he went over and looked where I was. " This one! Please! " I said as I sounded like a little kid.

I went grabbed Nick up when I did it and pulled him over to where it was and pointed it out for him to see. He smiled at me. " Sure. I'll buy it for you babe. "

He said as he went to the cashier. I went and followed him as he was making me so happy. I haven't got anything like this since well ever. It means a lot to me.

Even if it didn't show. After we left the place we went over to H&M. " Nick seriously thank you for taking care of me. I'll pay you back. "

I said as I went and seen the stores around the place. Nick looked down at me as he was starting to be serious now. " Hey its fine. You don't have to pay me back this is the least I could do. "

He said as he started to look forward so he could see where he was going. I felt bad. I knew what it felt like to not be payed back. I knew Nick had a thing with people not paying him back for things.

I wanted him to be happy. I didn't want to be the reason that he wasn't. " Okay for right now I won't worry about it. But one day I'll repay you. "

I said as He went and held his hand again. Nick looked down at me again like I was crazy. Which I am but he didn't know that. I looked up at him.

But then we kept walking as he didn't talk anymore after that. Which confussed me even more. Maybe he was just as crazy as I am? Or he is just doesn't want to hurt anymore.

My Life With Nick BeanWhere stories live. Discover now