Chapter Thirdteen

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  I went and lay in the bunk as I looked at my phone to see if there were anybody else that messaged me. Of course it was a lot of people worried about me but of course I would tell them that I'm fine and that I was with friends for a few days. I never wanted to go home though. After all of this.

  I would of never thought I would be here with Nick. I feel the happiest I've ever been in my whole life time. Even though I am 18. But you guys get the point.

  So I went and got in line just to get in knowing a lot of these girls wanted to meet them. But I wanted to be earlier to get a good place to stand. Even though I had already seen the show. I still smiled so much because how lucky I am.

  Knowing I'll be able to see it again and be able to be in Nick's arms again. So when Nick's part came on he got the crowd all fired up. As he kept looking around like he was looking for me. But when his eyes reached mine he winked at me.

  I seen the people go up and down screaming as Zach came in for his part. He got everyone to jump up and down. I was smiling to the point it was hurting. As they said, It had been the best night ever.

  After Nick's part of show was over I had seen everything before so I got out of there. I tried to find a way back in the bus without anyone seeing. I seen Geo as he helped me in without getting noticed. So when I went in there I had looked at my phone as I seen more texts and 3 calls later the show was over.

  Everyone came in trying to get ready to see fans backstage. I seen Nick's head pop into the bunk as he seen me and smiled. I smirked back as he put on his cologne and went back out there. After another hour he came and got me from the bus.

  " Hey, we should go out tonight. Tay and Zach and them want to hang out together after not seeing him for a little bit. You want to come? " He said looking at me.

   " Yeah, I would love too. " I said smiling. " Okay let's go. " He said when he reached for my hand.

  I grabbed his and got off the bus with him. Both of us running to Tay's car before someone saw us. When we went in there we were out of breath. Tay had already looked at us weird as Zach was already in the car.

  I then saw a another long black hair girl next to Nick and I as she was at the end on the far right. I had already got bad vibes off of her by the way she was having her arms around Nick and kissed him on the cheek. I felt my cheeks red with anger but let it go. I don't even know why I am even here.

   Only if I could get out of the car and just slam her in the window. But I calm down trying to make a good first impression for Tay. Which I had always loved his broadcasts. How he could light up a room with his wonderful humor.

  So we just drive along as we are in our way to a bowling place around here. I smirked kinda excited but than again, I wasn't ready for Bianca's moves trying to get herself killed.

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