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Them stories, the ones whispered around campfires, told at the dead of night, laughed and joked about in the school playgrounds too the ones told under the blankets which give even adults a hard time sleeping. Them tales, are all true.

How fowl beasts, and blood sucking demons share this earth with us. How the two collines live amongst one another even after the Liberty battle which took place three centuries ago. Yet this isn't going to be a tale about the loathe of the collines... This is a tale about the blindness of love.

How something, something instinctive, something learnt, taught and brought up upon can fade away once you see into the soul of one another's. How a alpha and a young vampire can kindle a loving relationship.

Their endearment kept hidden for days which lead to weeks, which then soon turned to months. Secrecy of their love soon ran cold, as blood of both were spilt on the behalfs of the beasts. They claimed protectors against evil~ killing the killers as killing is wrong.

Both lovers kindled together in a grave. Merely a sweet tale of blind-love.

Yet it was for such more of a profound reason that had provoked the alarming response, for the young vampire was of a sorts... Pregnant. This was none of even a myth. NO. This was of a horrific tale~ a tale which both beast and demon fear for it was said to possed both characteristics; it was prophesied by demons that the 'Nuova Vita' would rein upon both beast and demon.

Yet this power in such creature was feared. Both collines feared for their future yet knew better than to have more blood shed upon this found love. Instead the beasts claimed the child. They believed with slow progress they'd learn about the demons philosophy they'd control it.

Yet this monster, feared upon by thousands... Can be found within a meadow no other than smelling flowers and chasing butterflies.

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