First meet!

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Ever wonder what the fuck are you doing? Well that's what I'm wondering right now because my dumbass friends was trying to get me to jump of a cliff into the water. "Come on jump in!" "Fine but act like your going to push me off!" My friends picked me up. "You shall die!" They throw me off and I screamed with joy, but then I stoped falling, I looked up to see a man floating, he flew up and placed me down. "Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm alright." "Why did they push you off?" He sounded angry. "Because we were playing around, their my friends want to join." He nodded not sure what to do. "Hey guys!" I wave and they run to me. "How the he'll are you not wet!?" "Is that Son Goku?" "You know him?" I asked they talked for hours about him. "Well I need to go home." Goku said and we all got sad. "Don't worry I'll come here tomorrow!" We cheered and hugged him good bye. "See ya Kireina." "Bye Goku!"
Do you know about the saiyan race? Well they got destroyed but that was years ago and I'm the last female saiyan alive. "Kireina Lord freeza requests your presence." "Very well zarbon." I ran past him and reached Lord freeza in seconds, I knocked. "Come in." I entered and bowed. "Zarbon said you wanted to see me?" "Yes I'm going to put you on a special group." "Oh?" "Their saiyans like you." "Saiyans!?" "Yes their waiting outside." "Thank you Lord freeza." I left and got outside. "You must be Kireina?" I look to see a man with flames as hair. "That's me." "Prince Vegeta." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I'm raditz sweetheart." "Nice to meet you too sweetheart." I said mocking him. "I'm nappa!" "Hi nappa." He smiled and went to do something and raditz went away to a planet. "So Prince Vegeta tell me more about yourself?" "Their not much but the fact that I'm surprised that you the only female saiyan. "Well that's a good thing." I smirked but he was dumb as a rock. "Never mind."
Gohan P.O.V
I was a new kid in school and I was about to enter my class, I breathe in and out and come in, as soon as I did everyone was quite and I walked to the teacher. "You must be kireina?" I nodded and he smiled. "Everyone this is Kireina, She had never gotten a bad grade in her life and she's a marchel artist!" I look around at the other students until I caught a pair of oxen eyes, we where looking at each other's eyes for a minute and I blushed and looked back at the teacher. "Um where do I sit?" "Next to Son Gohan." After he said that, the dude that I was starring at rises his hand, I walk and sit next to him. "Hey I'm Kireina." "I'm Gohan, your going to love it here." "I really do hope so."
I walk around the park, minding my own business untill I saw a man with purple hair and blue eyes, he was breathing hard and had cuts and bruises around his body. "Excuse me are you okay, do you need help?" I asked him and his head popped up, He blushed a little and nodded his head. "I'm okay I was training but thanks for asking." "May I ask what where you training?" "I love to fight so yeah." "Really!" "Yeah my names Trunks." "Oh I'm Kireina, you know we should spar sometime?" "You fight?" "Yup." "Well here's my address and phone number." "Alright bye Trunks!" I wave and walk away, I quickly save the phone and address.

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