Ch.8 -An Awkward Moment

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As soon as we got back to the castle and Grimm was close enough to the ground, I climbed off and trudged up the stairs. "Eragon, i'm gonna take a bath now!" I yelled down the stairs. When Saphira had arrived, Eragon had got off and gone into the kitchen. Saphira had followed, and I could hear the clanking of pots in the kitchen. Was he cooking?

"Alright, I'm making dinner. Come back down when you're ready."

"Wait, do you have anything I can wear?" The clanking stopped.

"I don't know...are you okay with wearing something of mine for now?"

"As long as it's clean."

"It will be." He came out of the kitchen and came over to the stairs, where I was. He walked up as well, faster than seemed possible and was at my side. He led the way and went into his room. He opened the dresser and seemingly grabbed the smallest things he could find. He handed me an outfit made of white fabric, that was also the softest thing I had ever felt. A shirt and trousers, as well as everything else. Even a pair of nice socks. "Iara, while you're taking a bath I can fix your sandal if you want." I realized that I still had my shoe tucked under my arm, while my knapsack was over a shoulder.


"Of course. It won't be that hard." I awkwardly handed him my shoe. I didn't want to have to have him go to so much trouble for me. I would pay him back somehow.


'I can fix the other one too." Now I was truly amazed by his kindness. I had to stand on one leg while I took my other sandal off, in the middle of a balancing act. Holding the clothes steady, keeping the knapsack from falling off while I was taking off my shoe. I got it eventually. I handed it to him. He could easily hold both shoes in one hand. I had tiny feet. It didn't really matter but Dru had always said that it was so.......I gasped as I tried to stop myself. I staggered a bit, then I managed to shake myself out of the remembrance. Eragon noticed and had readied himself to catch me if I should fall. When he saw I was okay he backed off a little. He seemed like he the know almost, as if he understood. But I was special. Nobody understood. Except for Grimm. He had tried to shelter me from my pain. In the past, before we had both realized it was useless. So I simply just didn't think about it. Not as simple as it sounds.

"Thank you." I said.

"It's no problem." After that I exited the room and went into my own, where the small bathroom was still open. As soon as I got into the bathroom I set the knapsack on top of my dresser. It took me a moment to remember what to do. Then I turned the nobs a bit, and soon I had myself a tub of nice, warm water. It had been so long since I had taken a bath. I remembered to go and close the door. I set the clothes down on top of the dresser. Then I got in the bath. I immediately regretted not letting the water cool off. I stifled a yelp and jumped out of the basin. "Iara?" I heard Eragon call.

"I'm fine!"

"What happened?"

"Hot water happened!" I almost thought I heard him chuckle. Almost. I waited for awhile until the water was cooler. Then I finished what I had started. There was even soap. Wow. As I drained the water, I shivered. Then I remembered. Eragon hadn't given me anything to dry off with. I stood there for a moment. The water was gone. What was I going to do? I didn't want to get my new clothes all wet. I guessed I would have to ask him for a towel. I tiptoed to the door and opened it a crack.

"Eragon?" I called.

"What?" I heard from downstairs. It sounded like he was in the dining room.

'I need a towel!"

"Didn't I give you one?"


"Is there one in your room?"


"Hold on!" I heard him call. I heard a few light footsteps, and then briefly Eragon passed my door. I opened it farther, far enough to put my arm through. I stepped behind the door except for my head. I didn't want him to see me, of course. I watched as he came out of his room, backing up, back to me. He held out a few towels behind him. He didn't want to violate my privacy either. They were a bit too far.

"I can't grab them! Back up a little farther!"

"Alright." He took a few steps back. I grabbed them. In my haste I dropped them. Now they were on the floor. Of course with my luck.



"I dropped them!"

"Well.." He then tried to bend down backwards without looking. He fell over. Now he was sitting down, facing the other way, on top of the towels. I giggled a little, I couldn't help myself! He managed to grab the towels and hand them to me a few minutes later, after much laughing. I shut the door and continued to laugh. I could hear him through the other side, probably going back down the hallway. I dried myself off and got dressed. The clothes felt amazing. I looked back at my dress. It was torn, and dirty. I folded it up as best as I could and put it into one of the drawers. I glanced at my knapsack. My stomach turned into knots. If I had another flash it would make future ones worse. I guess I would just have to not think so much. I had a few ways of coping with it. I grabbed my knapsack and went over to the bed. I undid the simple clasp. And all of my things tumbled out. I jumped at a small clink. And something I had never seen came out. I saw what was normal, basically another dress, a small knife, two copper coins, and Maja. Maja was something had given to me. He was a stuffed kitty. Mom said he was very very special and never to lose him. I never had. I didn't know why it was special. But he was now. The last thing I had of mom. The thing I had heard made me jump once I saw it.

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