Chapter Two.

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As the chopper landed you stared at the only important person in your life, Harley. She was talking to Deadshot about something but you were too focused on trying to find her flaws but there didn't seem to be any she was just perfect nothing about her was wrong even if she was crazy that was perfect to you.

"Everyone off." Rick.

You hadn't seen Rick in a while, he had taken a leave for June he claimed he didn't want to come back yet here he was.

"Rick." You nodded at him as you jumped off the chopper platform.

He gave a small smile and pushed you forward to get you cuffs put on, the guy standing there with the cuffs looked about twenty so very young he probably will get hurt soon by some of the people here but he didn't know that he just thought he was taking prisoners to point a to point b but his job was much more dangerous.

"I'm Mitch." He smiled.

Crinkles formed at the corners of his eyes, laugh lines were evident.

"Someone you shouldn't get close to." You tell him.

"Righto Miss." Miss?

You laugh at him and turn around for him to put the cuffs in place.

"Are you afraid to do this?" You ask.

"Well define afraid miss." His accent was southern.

"Well you know we are villains, right?" He nodded and locked the cuffs in place.

"Aren't you scared one of us will attack you?" This time he laughed.

"No miss, I was trained by Rick himself said he thought of me as a younger version of himself." He took you to the prison wall and waited for one of the guards to open the gate.

"Wanna know a secret Mitch?" You whisper.


"Ricks just as crazy as I am." You laugh like a mad man.

The gate opened and Mitch pushed you inside another guard grabbed onto you and started pushing you to the actual prison.

"Bye-bye Mitch!" You saw a frightened expression on his face.

You laughed at the effect you had on him, he looked like he was about to piss himself.

"Well, well, well Nervous (Y/N)." The familiar voice of that dickhead guard made you flinch.

"That's not my name asshole." He stood in front of you and you spat in his face.

"Bad decision." He wiped his face and grabbed his baton.

He pulled it back like a baseball bat and swung at you, the baton made contact with your stomach and you hunched over he had winded you.

"That's a nice swing you got there." You wheezed.

"Wanna see it again?" You spat at his shoes and the guard pulled you back up.

He pulled back again like a spring and swung again, he hit the same spot this time it made your vision dotted with spots your lungs burned and you tasted metallic in your mouth.

"Stop! Stop it you're hurting her!" A voice screamed.

The guard pulled you up again and this time he grabbed your hair, each time he spoke spit flew out of his mouth and landed on your face.

"Pussy." You force the words from you mouth.

And that sent him over the edge because he laid into you, he kneed, kicked, slapped, punched and clawed at your body. You had fallen to the ground and curled up so it didn't hurt as much.

"Stop it!" You only could catch some words as your ears were ringing.

"I'm.... Not... A... Pussy!" And with one kick the guard walked off leaving you to yourself.

You coughed and spat out blood, you see Harley being held back by Boomerang she was struggling to get out of his grip but before you black out you saw Diablo standing next to Harley his smile was soft and his hand was in mid air as if he was telling you to come to him.

Harley Quinn x Reader 2.Where stories live. Discover now