What is going on?

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****Canters P.O.V****

"What is he talking about Chase..."

"I-i don't.. I can't e-explain.."


"He. We. Me. Him."

"Spill IT chase."

"Me and Jaxson are mates. But I haven't accepted to be his mate and he hasn't accepted to be mine so therefore we aren't mates!"

Jaxson started his laughing shit again and that triggered Ethros to come to the surface. I couldn't hold him back any longer. My eyes glazed over a darker shade of my original eye color.

"I trusted you chase.. how.. could you be mates with the alpha chase.. I thought we were going to be mates..."

"Canter I.. I can't choose the fates.. I can't.. you know that.. if I had it my way we'd be mates.."

"Are you sure about that or is that a lie as well!"

"No! No! Ethros! You know I love you and canter!"

My eyes softened to hear her words flow through my ears. I shifted into my wolf and walked up to her and laid in front of her. Her eyes beamed down into mine, I growled and jumped up and bolted out of the hallway into my room upstairs. Things shouldn't be like this, the fates must of.. they had to of.. messed up!

I shifted back to normal and thrashed stuff around my room. Seconds later I went to release my anger, but when I did I hit Chase across her face. My claws left four large and deep cuts from one side of her cheek to the other.

I immediately grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, her silence kept me worried and I whimpered. She must of heard because her arms dropped from her chest to her sides. She gently pushed me away and I can see in the brim of her eyes the tears forming. I could feel the pain I could see the pain.

Her white t-shirt now almost stained red. From my mistake... I hurt chase. I hurt her. I can never forgive myself for hurting my baby. I growled and ran out of the now wide-opened door and past Jaxson, who stood with a proud grin prominent on his face.

And that's the day that I... Canter, left the pack.

The shallow howls that escaped my broken soul, I pondered on wether I should go back and have chase all for myself, or to let her go and for her to come to me one day. This was the hardest decision I have ever done. I took once last glance at the pack I once knew and drifted off into the dark and shady forest.

Running for hours on end was exhausting. I started to slow my pace when I came to the meadow, I bolted through the meadow and got to the other side of the forest. It was now the break of dawn and I sighed as I crawled underneath a small bush and curled up, relaxing my body and falling asleep.

          ****Chase's P.O.V****

I laid there in his bed, with a blood stained face, the four large deep cuts wouldn't heal which was different. Usually I would heal. But this time it wasn't healing. Jaxson would walk by every now and then and shake his head. I hate that guy. I don't wanna be mates with the alpha of this pack! I want Canter! I want.... I want. I WANT ETHROS! However that looks like it's not happening... Canter hasn't returned and it's now the break of dawn...

Sighing I decided to get up and head to my bedroom, while making my way there Jaxson was walking towards me I looked away and he grabbed my arms causing me to strike at him. My claws and canines came out and I growled as I gave him a slight claw at his chest. He released me and gave me a slight grimace. I arrived at my room and went to the bathroom immediately, looked into the mirror and gasped at the image before me. My wounds were healing but it would be a while before it's complete. I decided on taking a quick shower, after my shower I dried off and dressed into some black tights and a orange tank top with a jean jacket to go overtop it.

I twirled my hair into a bun and pinned it up. Looked in the mirror one last time and sighed, I walked into my bedroom and slipped on a pair of grey converse and some socks. I grabbed my phone and earphones and headed to the front door.

Although once I reached the front door, Jaxson just had to be standing in front of it. I groaned and crossed my arms.

"Are you going to move anytime soon? Because if not I could always take the backdoor."

"No I'm not and no you will not. You are not permitted to leave the house. You can go work out in the weight room. Unless I go with you. Seeing as your my mate I am to go with."

"One. Yes we may be mates, oh wait no at least not yet, pretty boy have you even told Isabel about us?"

His eyes gleamed and his muscles tensed. At that's when I knew how to get revenge for what he did to me. I smirked and smelled the air, I sighed and turned around and looked over my shoulder to see him with a confused expression plastered on his face. I laughed and bolted towards her scent. He chased after me and once I got to her I blurted it out loud.


The looks of disgust and snide comments I got was really entertaining. When Jaxson came tumbling in after me I turned around and smiled. Everyone's faces went from disgust to shock. I raised my eyebrow and had a proud smirk on my face as his brown orbs looked up at me.

I bent down and made his chin raise up so he was looking at me.

"Remember Alpha Pretty Boy, two can play at this game."

And with that I gave him a pat on the head and walked out. Leaving everyone and including the alpha himself dumbfounded.




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