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Hey there people, annnnd fellow Möbians!

As I said in the bio, I shall be giving my honest opinions on LE Sonic Couples.

Sonamy, Shadamy, Sonally, and so on.

So please, if you take offense if someone doesn't like the couple you like, then don't read.
I honestly don't wanna check my comments and see nothing but-

"Omg! Wtf?! that's the best couple!!"
or "What's wrong with you!?"
"Your a jerk!"    "Hater!" 

That's why this is called an opinion book.. they are MY opinions.
If you can't handle that, then please don't bother reading.

So, anyway, I will be starting off with the original Sonic Couples that are pretty popular in the fan-base, but still, feel free to leave any couple suggestions you'd like me to react to as well, and I'll surely try to post those up soon enough!

I hope you enjoy!! ^-^

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