Chapter 5

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Ch. 5

Little did Sonic know his little 'side quest' with Amy was far from over yet. Just a few short days later, Amy rose was still wandering around the beautiful city till dusk slowly moved its way into her path.

"Brr... it's getting cold again..." she shivered, wishing she had brought her jacket she had back in the other town on. At least then, she'd be more willing to stay out in this cold to look for her beloved Sonic.

"Gee, I wonder why I can't remember that one day at all, it's almost as if I lost a precious memory or something... I wonder what happened. I have the strangest feeling of joy when I think of it though,... I wish I could remember."

She held her head, gazing down and trying to think of what she was missing...

As she walked on ahead, one of her hands held her arm to attempt at keeping her warm, rubbing it swiftly to try and cause some friction and get some warmth running through her again. The other hand scratched and dug into her head as she closed her eyes, lowering her head to focus on the inward thoughts of her mind, trying to think about her lost memory, and if it wasn't a just a really vivid dream at all.

It was blurry... but she could hear all the sounds, she could feel the flower...

Her eyes shot open.

She felt around but couldn't find a flower on her. "Shoot... I guess it really was a dream." She looked away, sorrowfully.

She sighed and her good spirits kicked in as she continued to walk on, her breath puffing clouds as she did so down the dark and grim street, covered in rain water from the day before.

It was one of those moments where Amy was glad she had gloves on her hands at all times though, and she slightly smiled at thinking about that before returning to her original investigation of where her memory of that day went.

After all, she wasn't one to give up just like that!

And there was something too... too real about the dream... to make it even be considered one.

"... I feel like.. I had a dream but... Oh! This is foolish! Whatever!"

She threw both hands up in the air along with her head following the action, thinking maybe this time she should give up the notion.

"I give up! It seems important but if it was I would of remembered it, right? Plus, I have a speedy hedgehog to find! I don't have time to walk down memory lane!" she scolded herself out loud, quite loudly actually to where the alleys made a slight echo of her rantings.

When Amy finally did calm down, she looked around to realize how late it was, "Uh oh, I'm out late again. It's times like these I'm happy I don't have a curfew, haha...ha.." she looked around, "kinda spooky when there's no one around though..".

The streets were dark grey and empty.

The sun was just setting and Amy swore she heard a howl somewhere in the distance.

"Hehe.. okay, Amy. Get a grip." she gulped as she walked casually onward, her eyes shifting about her as she sweated in obvious nervousness at being out so late just by her lonesome.

"I'm sure your new hotel room is just beyond here... haha.. and uh.. it's not like Eggman's up this late anyway, right? Right. So... Pfft! Your fine~ And remember! Sonic wouldn't like a cowering lady! No, ma'am! He'd like a bold, brave, and powerful woman! You got this!" she stood up straight, arching her back with nobility, and began marching with a very serious face. Her legs moved with a bouncy rhythm, and she tried her best to laugh in the face of her fears.

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