The Mystery Ends

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Ch. 5

The Mystery Ends

By: Cutegirlmayra1 (So, While my dad is working on editing-up my first drafts, I'll start writing the next ones. Apparently, my older brother is also writing a book, he's on ch.18 -; oh, heh, no pressure, of course. :I but now all my dad's doing is working on HIS story! D not fair! Anyway, here's the next chapter. I have a list of the events that are going to happen, but I'm probably gonna separate it to two (or more) chapters, SINCE IT'S A LOT OF FREAKIN' STUFF lol, enjoy~)

I dashed down the hallway, looking behind me as my homework assignment fluttered with the wind's speed that rushed by my heavily breathing body.

"CORELLLLEE!" Maril screamed, rushing along after me. I felt like Shaggy, without my Scoopy Doo, running for my life from the terrible monster behind me.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed back, taking double looks behind me to try to rapidly judge the distance between us, and just how far I needed to go to get to class on time. I hadn't turned a lot of my assignments in since the events of me deciding to do the whole 'hero' act, and now? I was paying the price....

My grades we're slipping, along with my air supply.

"You're getting more than detention when I'm done with you!" Maril screamed, her ponytails that she was wearing today looked like her head was a tricycle and those we're its handle ribbons. Her speed equaled one ridding down a mountain side, the poor little three year old screaming her head off, and that's when my guardian angel stepped out from the corner.

Miss Scarlet didn't look up to notice me at first, only when Maril screamed my last name again did her head fling up, only to have her glasses fall as if they, itself, were in shock. Matching Miss Scarlet's surprised look, I quickly dodged her and her inquiring question.

"W-what's going on?!" She asked, turning, or rather spinning, to see me bolting off.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I gotta go!" I turned around, just long enough to slightly run sideways, holding out my hands to try and explain myself but I didn't have time. The bell was about to ring, and this homework assignment had some extra credit on it that I couldn't afford to lose. "I promise it's important!" I shouted back, blazing through the hallway with the last feat of strength left in me to pull it off. I almost slid past the door, but was able to grapple my hand to the door frame's rim and opened the door.


The dumb morning bell rang, just as I caught my breath enough to just face plant myself on my desk. The teacher walked in not a moment later and asked us if we did the homework. My arm shot up, and that was my day at school.

Coming home, I was exhausted. Putting on my 'Colors' outfit, I decided not to stay up too late on this run.

I wanted to get more and more experience. I needed to learn this craft. The craft... of being a hero!

Sparkles shook her rainbowic tail, wanting to come along. "Kiki, Abu?" she spoke randomly.

"What? Try using your words." I was slipping my hands through their respective slots for the body suit. "Remember? Hi, what's up? Bad, Good, I don't like that, I do like that. Come on, we spent all of yesterday going over words for you to use." I was so fed up with trying to teach this alien ANYTHING! All she wanted was to sprinkle my can of sparkly glitter all over my home. I looked like I lived in a glittering cave of some fabulous hobo.

She even managed to figure out that the air vent could spread her sparkling wonder everywhere at once! So I've been sucking in glitter for the past few days...

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