Chapter 3

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~Lissana's Pov~
'HAHA you should've saw her face when Natsu said she was a just a resplasement Why did they even like her?!'

"Hey Lissana have you seen Lucy we were gonna hang out today?" Levy asked me.
"Oh that weakling, why would you even hang out with her,Oh that's right your weak to so I guess you two must have some kind of bond together," I said smiling.
"DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! LUCY COULD BET YOU WITH ONE PUNCH!" Levy yelled  'I have to get her to shut up or the spell will wear off!'
" L-Levy I was just joking u-um why would I say that about Lucy? She is the strongest and prettiest in the guild," I said trying to sound nice.
"Don't try to play nice with me Lissana I can see right through you!" Levy shouted at me
"Oh? Come on as if I would lie to you," I said trying to sound nice.
Levy looked at me as if I had just killed someone...'I THINK SHE KNOWS SHIT!' than she yelled "LISSANA DID SOME THING TO LUCY!" Every one looked at Levy as if she said the stupidest thing.
"Why would Lissana do any thing to that rat? I told Lucy she was kicked out of Team Natsu and we have not  seen her after that!" Natsu said laughing
Wendy taped Natsu on the shoulder "Natsu-San why would you kick Lucy off of the team? All she ever wanted to do was be a part of Fairy Tail and you brought her here and made a team with her, You guys where best friends!" Wendy yelled and started to cry.
"What-"Natsu started to say than people started to realize what happend.
"Lissana leave right now!" Mira yelled at me with hate in her eyes
"M-Mira" I Tryed to get out more but Elfman yelled
"Men don't make a guild member leave!"
A ran as fast as I could out of the guild I looked at my Fairy Tail mark but it was slowly disappearing as I ran. I know that the spell broke I can't stay because they would see my true form. I am doing this for Natsu. The real Lissana died a while ago but they believed my story.
I am now far enough that it is ok to show my true form. I am not Lissana I am......
Zeref Dragneel and I need to get Natsu back.

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