Chapter 4

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(This is Lucy's past)

She is about 11 right now.

"Bye Natsu I will see you tomorrow," Lucy said smiling.
"Next time I will win for sure!"Natsu yelled anf Lucy started to laugh "Ok let's see you try."Lucy said
"I'm fired up now!" Natsu yelled and laughed

"Bye, say hi to Igneel for me." Lucy told Natsu "Ok bye Luce." Natsu replied waving to Lucy

"You know I hate that nickname." Lucy said as she walked home. When Lucy got home she went to her bedroom but got interrupted when her two dragons came in. "Lucy~Sama! We found your mother laying down in her bedroom passed out we need your help to heal her!" Celest said quickly. Lucy looked at them shocked than pushed them out of her way and ran to her moms room.
"Mom!" She yelled when she saw her mom laying in the middle of her bedroom laying half dead.

Lucy's mom looked at her with tears in her eyes. "L-Lucy you need to get o-out of here take Aqua and Celest with y-you....They are here." Layla said (Lucy's mom) than Celest and Aqua came rushing in "Miss Layla we need to get you to a safe place!" Aqua said rushing to Layla's side.

"Who is here mom?" Lucy asked crying "Lucy, Celest, and Aqua please leave me here and go. There is no more time for me. Please take care of Lucy for me Celest and Aqua. I love you all." Layla said as she passed away "MOM!" Lucy yelled and started to shake her mother. A loud Crash was herd outside. "Lucy~Sama we need to go now!" Celest yelled and grabbed Lucy and ran out of the house. When they got to the woods they ran to where Natsu and Igneel lived. Aqua nocked on the door. "Who is it" Igneel asked "Its Aqua I'm here with Celest and Lucy." Aqua said than opened the door. "Who said you could-"Igneel started to say but saw that they where crying and stopped.

"What happened?" He asked the two girls and Aqua.

"Its Layla, she has passed away. But before she died she said that ' they are here' and made us leave we have no where else to go but here." Celest said holding back her tears.
"Is that so? Well than take a set I will get you three something to drink," Igneel said as he walked into the kitchen.
Natsu came running into the living room curious about the sound that had just came from the very spot.
"Luce why are you here?" He asked with full curiosity.
Lucy didn't awnser her best friend, she couldn't even if she tryed it would just come out as a sob. So Aqua awnsered for her
"Natsu... Layla Lucy's mother has passed away just recently," he later explained how it happened to Natsu.

Natsu ran over to Lucy and hugged her tight.
"Luce I won't let them get to you-" Natsu started but was interrupted by three men dressed in black barged through the door.

"Where is Natsu Dragneel!?" The man that came in first yelled.

Agua, Celest, and Igneel jumped in to action attacking the intruders but to no praval they where to strong. First aqua passed out than Celeste and Igneel passed out when a strong knife attack came from all the men

"Dad!" Natsu yelled.

"Celest Aqua!" Lucy yelled.

"Get back Natsu!" Lucy yelled wanting to protect her best friend. Natsu obeyed seeing the look in her eyes.

"What are your names!" Lucy shouted.
The man in the front took off his mask and hood. "You can call me Zeref and these are my creations," Zeref paused to let the two take off their masks, "This is Tempester and Silver they are here to take Natsu and if you don't move you will be killed!"

Lucy didn't respond she stayed where she was. Natsu steped forward to get in front of Lucy but she lightly pushed him back.
"Natsu stay there, I don't want you to get attacked," The beautiful blonde told Natsu in a rush.
Lucy acted first she opened a gate
"Open gate of the Water Bearer Aquarius!"

Sorry for not updating I was busy with School and shit. I will try to update every 1 or 2 weeks it depends.
Comment if you want me to add any ships or characters and if you want I might add a oc of yours!
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