Chapter 8

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Mercy say on the ground, years streaming down her face. She choked out a sob. Why has he done this? Why did he leave? Why did she do this to him? Maybe it was her fault... But wouldn't have came back- No. Nono, he was mad at her because of she had done. She tried to play God.

She layed on the floor, thinking about the past. The good times. Her thoaughrs slowly wavered back to a Halloween party they had.

~Flash Back~

Angela sat on a chair, eating healthy chips lonely. She scanned around to see everyone's awesome costumes. They were cool! Ana was a ghoul, she was pretty sure Jack was a zombie or something.
And of course herself she was dressed up with as a witch. Thou she didn't like it. It was to revealing for her. But Ana assisted, and she can't say no her. She sighed, as some others at the party (mostly just Jesse) were staring at her. Jesse even whistled. She got mad and stood up walking away.
"Angela!" She whipped around seeing Ana. "Oh hey Ana!" Angela chirped happily. Ana grinned, lifting her mask up. "Hello sweetie! How are you doing?" " Ze pigs are whistling at me..." She muttered looking at Jesse who just raised his eye brows. Ana chuckled. "Well! Here go into the kitchen and get ya something. How about a beer? You deserve a break from that stress!" Angela shook her head quickly. "No i don't think that iz a good idea-" Ana nudged her. "Go on! I'll make sure you won't do anything stupid!" Angela rolled her eyes and heard towards the kitchen, really just to get Ana off her back. She looked back after abit seeing Ana talking to Jack, wriggling her eye brows. She shook her head and head up.
"I guess while I am in here I can get some pun-" She was cut off, staring.

She saw Gabriel sitting there, his pumpkin head mask off, taking a sip of beer. She flinched slightly and went to leave not wanting to embrass herself in front of Gabriel. He was her crush after all.
"Angela?" Fuck. She turned around. "Hey..." She said quietly. Gabriel chuckled and walked over. "Whatca doin?" He tilted his head. Angela looked at the ground nervously. "I was gonna get a drink, but uh... I don't think there is any left.." She muttered. "I'm just gonna go-" Gabriel raised a brow and chuckled. "Of course there's a phew drinks left! Cmon! You just got here." He said and walked got eh fridge. He opened it and turned to her, handing her a beer. Angela gulped. "No i really don't think I should-"
"Please! Cmon! You gotta take alittle risk in your life honey." She blushed slightly. He grinned at her as she looked up at him. "What could go wrong?" He tilted his head. She thought then slowly shurgged. "I g-guess.." Angela muttered. "That's the spirt." He grinned, opening the beer for her.
"Cheers to Angela. And her first drink." He said grinning and took a sip of his. Angela hedsitately took a sip.

"It's not that bad actually.." She muttered. "See! Now cmon, it's not a party unless there's some dancin!" He said holding out his hand. Angela smiled and took it. They walked to the dance floor then.

~end of flashback~

Angela smiled at the memory. She really missed the good old days. She slowly closed her eyes and let sleep take her.

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