Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Satan sighed. He couldn’t be to long mad at the little Intern. He suddenly had a strange feeling. Alarm bells were going off in his head when a demon walked up to him. Normally they wouldn’t dare coming close when he was in the yard. What worried him more was the mixed expression of the demon. It showed angst, worry, sadness and compassion. It brought him something. It was a bag. The demon gave him the bag with uncertainty. Satan cocked a brow. The demon bowed and walked away. Satan looked curiously at the bag. Curiosity soon was replaced with confusion and then with a deep hurtful sorrow. The stuff in the bags belong to a man who he knew too well. The hurt began to grow. Satan got nauseous and had the feeling he had to throw up. The stuff belong to his little Intern. Melvin… He read the card, tears began to roll down. He wanted to make up to me.. He found the blooded tie witch belong to Melvin. Also his blooded clothes were in the bag. Satan threw up. He couldn’t handle it. A scream escaping his lips. A scream that has never been heard in Hell before. It deafened the demons within and the souls of the lost. It overcame every sound and it didn’t stop. The scream could also be heard in heaven, where the big man on his throne sat with a face full grieve. If you were walking around on earth and you stood still for a moment and listened, you could hear the scream. Everybody who heard became overwhelmed with grieve, they couldn’t walk and only got drawn to the scream. It was like a shout out to every pain anybody had ever felt. When the pained demon himself had never felt so much grieve, he couldn’t do anything else. His eyes big and his body bed forward. Suddenly the scream of sorrow made place for a other kind of scream. This time it was a scream full of anger, rage, furious, savage. Satan’s back made a cracking sound and a pair of demon red wings appeared. Wings which were long since forgotten. His eyes became red as blood, his teeth sharpened, his mouth growing bigger. His clothes tore apart. His body becoming the monster he had never wanted to be. The monster which he had hidden, kept away, to never see the daylight. His scream got even louder and changed from a human’s voice to a roar of a wild beast. Everybody who listened shook. The intensity of the fury making them go wild with angst. The world slowly clasping together. Hell rumbled. Never had Hell seen his master so out of himself. The demons cried, the lost souls slowly fading to a other part of Hell. The scream stopped, but echoed far longer. Hell’s master flew up, gave one last roar and fell to the ground. The demons who were brave went to the side of their broken master. They picked him up and carried him towards Hell’s Castle. Slowly they walked up each stair. Some demons and lost souls following them. They formed a cortege. A pair of demons got faster by the roof of Hell’s Castle, they made a shrine for the devil to lay on. The demons lay Satan on the shrine. Presenting him to above. Hell’s master was long gone. He didn’t even feel God watching him. A single tear rolled down Heaven’s almighty God. Even though Satan was a creature full of horror, he was still once one of his angles. A fallen angles, yes. But God was made for forgiveness, the perfect example for loving everybody. Nobody deserved the pain which could be felt al trough Hell and Heaven. He looked at his fallen angle. A sad expression on his face. Maybe there could be something changed. A last memorial was giving by all demons singing the song of Hell. The voices could be heard from everywhere in Hell. Hell’s Castle roared. The lost souls sang. The demons howled. Everybody could hear them. In the back of every human’s head could it be heard. Every angle opened their ears for the song of death. They consumed it.  Hell cried. The last song..





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