Where am I?

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(Maddie's PoV)

Waking up, I found myself in a strange place; A small room with nothing but a long hallway and a door at the end. Sitting up, I found myself lying on a small patch of yellow flowers. I tried to remember where I was and how I got there. Nothing. My memory was blank. All I remembered was my name, Maddie.

I decided to head down the hallway. The room was barren anyway and there was only one way to go. The next room was almost identical to the last, only with a small golden flower in the middle....smiling? Something told me not to go near the flower, but I approached it anyway. That's when it started speaking.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower." It, or he?, had a pitched voice with a slight texan accent.

"Holy shit. I must have hit my head harder than I thought because I'm hearing talking flowers." I chuckled. The flower growled and bit my ankles.

"Ow! Ok, not hallucinating,"

"Damn right, you beast! What are you doing here anyway?!" Oops, I pissed off the flower.

"Don't call me a beast, weed. What are you gonna do anyway? Can't do much down there," I felt pretty good about my insult. Too bad Flowey didn't.

"Oh, I'll show you what I can do," he smiled evilly and the whole world turned black and white. A silver and black heart floated forward and was immediately surrounded by four white walls. 

"What the hell is that?!" I screamed. Hey, imagine if something from your body just flew out and got trapped! I had no clue what was happening.

Flowey returned to his "cheery" "jolly" self, if that was even his true self.  "That is your soul, the very culmination of your being."

"Okay, but why did you put it in that area?" I walked a little closer to it, examining the surrounded soul.

"FOR THIS REASON ONLY," he bellows. Suddenly five white orbs appear around Flowey's head and shot towards my soul. Upon impact, I screamed and landed on the floor in pain. A small window in front of me appeared. 1/20 HP Remaining. I had no idea what HP was, but, from the amount of pain I felt, I assume have only 1 wasn't good.

"Why you..." I struggled on the floor. So much pain coursed through my body that I couldn't move. Flowey just laughed his demonic laugh.

"Hee hee hee. Stupid girl. Time to say goodbye!" Another round of white orbs appeared. This time, about 30 of them surrounded my soul with no place for it to go. Using whatever strength I had left, I found I could move my soul and moved it towards the exact middle. Once it got there. The orbs disappeared and a fireball came out of nowhere and shot Flowey and sent him flying. Standing up, I saw another monster, a goat lady, definitely more gentle looking than that weed.

"Hello, young one. I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins." she said.

"Ruins, huh?" I said, wearily. I was still at 1/20 HP. Swaying back and forth, I ended up falling backwards and passing out.


I woke up sometime later in a cozy bed. I assumed I must be back at home, wherever that was. I was wrong though, because the first thing I heard was, "Hello, my child. I'm glad you finally woke up." I guess that means I'm still with Toriel. I opened my eyes fully to reveal a dimly lit bedroom, with a lamp, closet, chest, bookshelf, and toys decorating the room. I saw Toriel sitting by the bed, smiling at me. Her kind motherly smile made me smile. "Are you feeling alright, dear?" She asked

"Yes, I'm feeling fine. Just a little sore." I sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Where are you going, my child?" Toriel asked as I slipped on my boots.

"I have to find out what this place is. Plus, I have to get home, wherever that is." This seemed to sadden her.

"Well, how about you have some pie first, then I can give you somethings to help you on your way." I smiled brightly! For some reason, I felt as if no one had ever done something this kind for me.

"That sounds wonderful, Miss. Toriel!"

She giggled, "Please, just call me Toriel." I smiled back at her and she walked me to her kitchen.


I stood at the final exit to the ruins. This small room seemed much colder than the rest of the ruins, but I didn't mind. I had fallen down with a Black and silver hoodie on that was quite thick. Nonetheless, Toriel had supplied me with a winter coat, along with an assortment of other strange items: flashlight, batteries, umbrella, spare clothes and shoes, food, water, a notebook, and pencils. I didn't know why she gave me a notebook and pencils, she didn't say why. I donned the pack and gave Toriel a goodbye hug. Turning towards the door, I gripped the handle and pulled as hard as I could, opening the door, stepping outside, and revealing a frozen wonderland.

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