Skelebros Fright

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Damn, it's cold. I guess I understand why Tori gave me that coat. I was walking through a frozen forest. Literally. I wouldn't be surprised if the water bottles in my pack were frozen. 

Walking down a snowy path, I came across a branch in the road. Denoting it as not important I stepped around it and continued on my way. Not even five seconds later, I heard a loud CRACK behind me. Turning around, the branch was broken but there was no one in sight. ...Weird? I picked up my pace and continued down the path. The trees started to get closer and closer together. I heard a rustle through leaves and branches. Turning around again, still no one there. Ok, I was officially creeped out. I broke out into a full-on run, making it to a small bridge a few seconds later. I stopped, out of breath, and looked at the bridge. It didn't look very stable. I was about to turn back when I heard a voice.

"H u m a n." I froze. There was someone following me. The voice was deep and menacing. "D o n t   y o u  k n o w  h o w  t o  t r e a t  a  n e w  p a l ? T u r n  a r o u n d  a n d  s h a k e  m y   h a n d." I reluctantly turned around with my eyes to the ground. A literal bony hand stretched into my view. I took it, not knowing what to expect.


I couldn't help myself. I busted out laughing. I can't help it! I was a weird sense of humor. My laugh extended so long, it evolved into snorts. I haven't even seen the jokester yet, and I'm already embarrassing myself in front of them. But my snorts cause them to laugh! I guess I did something right. Our laughter died down and I finally looked up to see who it was. I did not expect what I saw.

A skeleton.

That made me jump. I should probably expect it by know, seeing as I already met Toriel and that weed. Then, it started talking.

"Heh. The old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny!" he said.

"Don't you mean its pretty punny?" This made him laugh. I guess this guy liked puns.

"Ha! Good one! I'm Sans by the way. Sans the Skeleton!" He stuck out his bony hand again. I grabbed it, shaking it.

"Maddie. Maddie Allen."

"Nice. Come on. I see my bro up ahead. He loves trying to capture humans. So you might want to hide." Jeez, his brother sounds scary if I have to hide from him.  Sans led me across the bridge and gestured towards a small booth-like structure. "Quick, hide behind my station." I ran behind the structure and crouched. I wasn't very tall but it was still difficult. 

Another skeleton then showed up, much taller than Sans, and with a slight Skeletor-vibe. That description also matched his voice.

"There you are, Sans! What are you doing?!" he said. Yup, I'm definitely scared. 

"Just stocking up my station. Wanna check?" No! No! No! Sans! What are you doing?! 

"NO!" Oh thank god, "All you do is sit around and boondoggle! I have to continue my search. Try to actually do some work this time!" And with that, he was gone.

I got out from under the station. "Sans! What were you thinking?!"

"Chill out, Maddie. Papyrus wasn't going to do anything that doesn't do with humans right now."

"But... he... what?" My brain was fried. Too confused.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" he said. We started to walk down the path together. "Maddie is a nickname, right?"


"Well, what does Maddie stand for? Like, what is your full name?" No one ever asked me this before. Not to my knowledge anyway. 

" stands for Madeline..."Embarrassed, I look at the ground and stop moving. I don't like my name and it feels like I never have. I look over at Sans; he's smiling. A goofy grin with an underlying feeling of seriousness. It still caused me to laugh.

"There we go! Never let go of that smile, Maddie. You look even more beautiful with it." I blush and so does Sans. His was worse, though. His face was bright blue all over. "Hey, my bro's up ahead so I gotta catch up. See you in a bit, cupcake." And he was gone. 

Walking forward, I came across a few small paths, one headed up and another headed on the same path I was on. The area had only 2 things, a small box and a small glowing star. I approached the star and touched it. Instantlym any uneasyness or pain I felt was gone. I didn't know how or why but I was happy and grateful.

I continued my way down the path, finding myself face to face with the skeleton brothers. My fear returned, 100X worse than before. So much so, that I start shaking and I couldn't stop. Sans was the first to notice my visible terror, while Papyrus only noticed that I was human.

"Oh my god! Sans, its a human!" he yelled. This only made me shake more.

"Hold up. Paps. Something's wrong." Sans started to walk towardsx me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, his face full of concern. "He, cupcake," he said in a soft whisper, "you okay?" I screamed and dropped to the ground, holding my hands to my head. I started to cry. Why was I so afraid?!

Sans bent down next to me, trying to comfort me. "Hey, hey. It's just me, Sans. You're ok." 

"Sans, What's wrond with the human?" Papyrus asked.

"She's ok, bro. Just scared of something." I'm glad I didn't have to tell him. He just kinda knew. Before I knew what I was doing, I lunged towards Sans, pulling him into a hug. Much to my surprise, he hugged back, softly rubbing my back. Without expecting it, Sans picked me up bridal style. It was comforting to know he cared so much, and I was so emotionally exausted, I fell right asleep.

(Sans' PoV)

She's asleep. She's quite pretty like this. Just then, Paps came over.

"Sans! You captured the human! Come, let's take her to Undyne!"

"Not this one, bro. She's been through a lot, I can tell. Think about it, she might end up like Frisk and you won't want to take her soul."

"Alright, Sans. If that makes you happy. Let's head home."

I nodded my head. I will protect you cupcake. I promise.

~No Longer "Bonely"~ LONG TERM HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now