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I'm thinking that this story will most likely be at least twenty or so chapters long.

It's so funny because fifteen was the last chapter if I decided not to have flashbacks for all the characters.

I really love doing this, y'all. I really do.

Much love.:)

"Scott, answer. Now. Why did you steal the weapon?"

Scott refused to look up, his wrists in handcuffs under the table as he was interrogated. Alex watched through the one-way window, hoping that Scott will tell the truth and face what he deserves.

It'll be much easier.


Scott sighed, taking a deep breath as he looked over at the window. He mouthed something to Alex, but the older man didn't undertsand what he was saying.

He hoped it wasn't too serious.

"I-I do-don't know," Scott stuttered out, his voice cracking as he looked back at the interrogator. "I just now Mitch did this to himse-"

"Wrong. The surgeons that worked on his surgery said those stabs were too deep to be caused by him. You know something, Scott. Tell me now or you will go to jail for a long time."

Alex watched with a broken heart when Scott broke down in tears, his body shaking as he sobbed loudly. The interrogator looked over at Rick, shaking her head as she stood up so the older Hoying could take over. Rick sat down in front of Scott, slamming his hand down so he could get his son's attention. Scott jumped, his father refusing to give up.

"Scott Richard, you better tell me why you had that forsaken knife or I will make sure that you will stay behind a jail cell for as long as I could put you in there. Forget about being there for a ye-"

"The voices are talking," Scott interrupted, his voice shaking as he let out a shuddery sob. "They're mad and I don't know why. Why are they mad?"

"You better not be lying, Scott. I know when you are."

"I'm telling the truth," Scott yelled, his face crumbling as he gripped his hair. "I don't know! I do these things and I forget it and I hate it and I just want to be normal!"

Rick stopped yelling at his son, shaking his head as he teared up himself. He cleared his throat while Alex looked at the scene, trying to find something out.

What did Scott do, but then forgot all about it after he did it?


Mitch woke up after a few hours, his temple throbbing for some strange reason. He rubbed at it, hissing as Mario walked into his room, smiling as his best friend brought Ipbrofuen and a glass of water.

"Thanks, Mario," Mitch mumbled, taking the glass of water and the two little pills that were so small yet so amazing to anyone that has a terrible pain. Mario smiled, nodding as he sat back down.

"You're welcome, Mitchy. Um, Rick called back about Scott."

"Oh? What about?"

"As of right now, Scott will still have a trial," Mario recited, putting a gentle hand on Mitch's back. Mitch nodded, sipping from the glass and set it down after he had the amount of water he was satisfied with. "Um, I don't know if you know this, but do you know that Scott has-"

"Hey, Mitch? You okay?" Avi asked, running a hand over his face. The bearded man looked exhausted, yet he was moving around just fine. "You a nasty fall."

Traumatized LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora