Flashback 16

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Oh boy, boy, boy!

This story is getting exciting!

And this chapter is entertaining.;)

Read with grace and caution, my angels.

I love you.💕

Mitch picked up his backpack anxiously, taking deep breaths as he looked at himself in the mirror. Today was his first day of going back to class and he was excited but nervous at the same time. Just the week before, the school was kind enough to let him take his senior photos and even the principal saw him take his photos, a big smile on her face because of the change he went through.

And that included dying his hair blond.

He liked it very much and he couldn't help but compare it to once being in the dark and finding light again when he thought he couldn't. Times have changed and he couldn't be anymore proud of himself for changing.

And for the better too.

"Mitch, you ready for school?"

"Yeah," Mitch called back, brushing his hand through his self-consciously. What happened if no one like his new hair? "I'm coming."

Mitch walked downstairs, smiling brightly when Avi stood there with the biggest smile on his face. Avi hugged Mitch tightly, kissing his son's temple before getting a good look at him.

The shoes that made Mitch taller than Avi, the black shirt with daisies on them, and the black skinny jeans that showcased Mitch's skinny legs. Avi smiled more, putting an arm around Mitch's small shoulders as they walked outside.

"I'm going to be with you all day. If you feel nervous and want to go home, you can. Just take it day by day, baby boy. I won't get mad."

Mitch nodded, happy that Avi was going to be by his side the entire school day. He would have freaked out and refused to go to school.

Avi fixes everything.

"Okay, let's go. Everyone misses you."

Mitch nodded, taking deep breaths once more as Avi began to drive. He sang to himself quietly, feeling Avi's hand grip onto husband squeeze tightly, as if he was telling Mitch everything will be okay.

Everything will work out the way they want it to.

"We're here. Let's go now, okay? First class is choir!"

Mitch smiled, remembering his days of choir. They were so fun yet they were full of Scott and Kirstie bullying hi-


Scott and Kirstie graduated this year and that means they won't be in choir anymore! Mitch honesty teared up at the realization, wiping his eyes as he opened his door and hopped out. He could hear students gasp and whisper, making him walk closer to Avi and hide behind his father. Avi smiled sadly, putting an arm around his timid son as he walked up to the choir room. Avi looked at Mitch, smiling softly before speaking.

"Ready to go in?"

Mitch nodded, closing his eyes as Avi opened the door. Mitch heard gasps and screams, opening his eyes to see about twenty people running over to him and instantly being pulled into a large group hug.

"Mitch, you're back!"

"I LOVE your new fashion! You look more confident!"

"Your hair looks amazing!"

"Mitch, you look so much healthier and happier."

The compliments from everyone made Mitch tear up, a sob coming out of his mouth as covered his mouth. A couple of girls 'awed' and one girl offered him a tissue, promising that she'll fix his makeup later. Avi smiled as Miss. Winters walked over tears in her eyes as she smiled at Avi.

Traumatized LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora