Dreams & reality

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Nicole's POV
I couldn't believe it. It was Castiel. My husband that I haven't seen in so long. We haven't even talked for 8 years. He's never contacted me and whenever I tried to call him, he never contacted me back. For 8 years. Now he's here.

"Castiel?" I say in a surprised voice as I stepped outside.

I see Castiella is really happy to see her father. I mean, I'm happy, too. But, I just never thought he would be back. Hell, I was starting to think he died.

"I'm going to go inside." Castiella said and headed inside, closing the door behind her, leaving only us out here.

I walked closer to Castiel and I was still shocked that he was here.

"You're ok." I said surprised.

"Yeah. Look, I'm really s-" he started saying but I stopped him.

"Shh." I said and kissed him passionately.

He kisses me back instantly and we both kiss passionately. We come up for air 5 minutes later and I just pull him into a tight embrace.

"I thought you were dead, Cas. 8 years, Cas. 8 years and not a single phone call." I cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for worrying you so much. But, I'm also really sorry for not returning any of your phone calls." He said and held me closer to him.

"Why, Castiel? Where were you this whole entire time?" I asked.

I felt him tense up and he stayed silent. He calmed down after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that." He says softly.

"Please Cas, I deserve an explanation. I need one. I need to know where you were for 8 years." I said pulling back from the embrace.

"You don't understand, I can't tell you. I'm sorry. I wish I could give you an explanation but I can't." He pleaded.

Castiel's POV
'If you tell her, the promise we made will end, and your family will be in danger'.

I heard the voice in my mind say. The voice I've been hearing for 8 years. The voice that I've been a slave to for 8 years.

I have to do whatever it says to do or else my family will be in danger.

"Ok. Whatever, Cas." She said.

I could tell she was mad but she didn't want to show it.

I wish I could forget all the stuff I did when I was his slave. He made do horrible, awful, sinful things. Nightmarish things.

He made me kill millions of people for him. Made me shoot them, stab them, torture them to death, hang them. It was a real-life nightmare and there was nothing I could do about it. I was his slave and if I didn't do what he wanted, he was going to hurt my family. I didn't want that to happen. So, I did everything he told me to do.

He didn't even let me sleep. The only food and drink he gave me was a piece of dried bread and only 1 glass of water per day. The good thing was that he let me shower every day. Except for the fact that the water was cold.

I went through 8 years of hell just to protect my family and it had finally paid off.

{10:30 p.m}
After we had eaten dinner, which was sandwiches, we all said goodnight and went to bed. I heard Gabriella was going to stay with us for a while. I was happy about that. She was surprised to see me along with everyone else.

Now, I lay awake in bed. Nicole, peacefully sleeping next to me. I'm extremely tired but I just can't will myself to sleep because I feel like I'll wake up in that dungeon again. Like this is all a dream. That my reality is still back in that dungeon.

{12:30 a.m}
I fall asleep half past 12.

(Castiel's dream)
I see my entire family. Castiella, Nicole, even Gabriella even though she's not my daughter. We're all in this metal chamber. No windows or doors. Just a metal chamber. They're all tied up. I look down at myself and realized that I was tied up as well. Then, when I look back up, I see the person that's been controlling me for the last 8 years. He wears a long, white lab coat, by my family members he has all sorts of weapons. Weapons that I've held to torture people with. I try to scream but nothing comes out. I soon realize that my mouth is sewed shut.

I look at my other family members and their mouths are all sewed shut as well.

I try to scream once more but I know it's useless. Yet, I still try to scream.

My master starts working on my wife first. He cuts down her arm slowly as she tries to scream. She starts crying and he moves onto the other arm. Cutting down on that arm as well. More tears poured from her eyes.

He goes back to his tool station and he pulls out the most terrifying item I've ever seen.

An eye plucker.

"Keep your eyes open." I heard my master creepily say to my wife as he made his way towards her.

I once again try to scream but I can't.

Suddenly, somehow, the stitches come off and I'm finally able to yell.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I yell at my master.

He turns his head towards me, smiles, and then kills Nicole instead with a knife he had hidden in his sleeve.

"NO!" I cry out.

{End of dream}
I wake up instantly and scream no. I look beside me and I see I've woken up Nicole.

"Cas, what's wrong?" She asks. Her voice clear with worry.

She turns on the light and I see her beautiful dark blue eyes staring back at me worriedly.

I relax and say that it was just a bad dream.

The summer of Ballet- A Destiel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now