What is Manga?

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"What is Manga?" You ask? Well, I shall tell you.

Manga is a comic written with a beginning,  a climax, and an end. 

(Although some may not have this. -.-')

Unlike American comics with super heros that keep saving the same people by killing the same villain, Japanese Comics (Manga) has many different types of art and story, including the hero/villan... 

For instance, the Genre of Manga can include:

1.) Action; A plot including action and sometimes magic.

2.) Fantasy; A plot including things like Magic, Myth and even Alchemy.

3.) Shojo; A plot intertwined between both other Genres.

Now, I promised that I would discuss the age limit of Manga. The reason that some books are "Limited" to age is because of the content inside. Some Manga is said to be for "Mature" readers, but this is only because there can be things of humor and romance that five to ten year olds might find extreme. (Like kissing or guys being shirtless... things of this kind.) Now, before we get off this subject I should warn you. Some manga can go overboard and take romance to the extreme, including love scenes among other things.


What is an Anime?

An Anime is a video based off of the directors ideas, or a Manga it was created off of. (I forgot to mention, Some Manga/Animes can contain "nudity".  But you RARELY see anything...) 

NEXT!!!!!! x.x

What is an Ani-Manga? 

An Ani-Manga is a manga written from an Anime show. 

(Ani-Manga: Anime-to-Manga :3)

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