Anime to watch!

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         Here is a list of Anime's that I found highly entertaining! :3

                                       (Simply explained)

One Piece; An anime about a boy, and his pirate crew. 

Naruto; An anime about ninjas, demons and... frogs/snakes/slugs!?

Bleach; An orange haird boy thats a... SOUL REPER!?

FullMetal Alchemist; Alchemist brothers in serch of... a ledgendary stone?

Bamboo Blade; A cute 15 year old girl, who kicks as at... KENDO!*

Those Who hunt Elves; Well, it those who hunt elves, for a reson of course...

InuYasha; Redundant. But entertaing seeing as there's a dog demon that hates the word "Sit" for a reason. 

Fruits Basket; You know from the Manga!

FullMetal Alchemist, Brotherhood; The anime that follows the manga. 

*Kendo is a sport of sorts where two people face of in a sword fight with a... well, for lack of better word that don't need explaining, a bamboo blade. 

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