Touching Death

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That's my guinea pig, Jenny. I got her on Christmas Eve 2010. I love her so so much. Recently, we haven't been hearing her moving in her cage. We keep her covered most of the time to calm her, so nobody had any idea what happened. About 2 hours ago, my mom asked me if I had hear from her in a while. I pulled her blanket back to find her laid out. "DOES SHE LOOK LIKE SHE'S BREATHING?!" I asked my mom, frantically. Jenny had done this before where she would sprawl out and look like she wasn't breathing, so my mom told me to calm down. I poked her lightly. She was cold. I lifted my hands up and stared at her and said repeatedly "She's dead." My mom took me downstairs and I sat and sobbed. She let me go upstairs and pet Jenny one last time. I sat there and cried and talked to nothing for what felt like forever. We're going to call the vet in the morning and see if we can get her cremated. I'm sorry for this sad post, but I will try my hardest to get stuff out tomorrow. With how sick I've been and now this, I cannot guarantee I will. This applies to this book and my Dan Howell X Reader. Have a wonderful night you guys, I love every single one of you who actually takes the time to read the $hît I post. And I know I haven't said this in a while but, stay kawaii my little nightmares.

Jenny Pig Riley (Harry Potato)
September 2010 - October 11th, 2016
Forever loved and forever missed.
May she eternally Rest In Peace.

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