Another A/N (Serious)

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Just an FYI, this will be posted on all of my current books, so if you see a bunch of updates, you can disregard them. However, please read this, no matter where you see this.

I'm going on a short hiatus. Yeah, sorry.

I don't really feel any direction with these books anymore. And since starting them, I've become so much of a better writer and quite a few things about me have changed. I'll explain:

We'll start with the Dan X Reader. That book is over a year old! Wow! I started that back when I had a boyfriend and would fantasize about male YouTubers and singers. Over time, I started to realize that I was pretty disgusted by the idea of into me...I'm sorry for that. And later down the road, I found myself losing interest in the males I had once idolized, in a romantic way. Now their more like, "I want to be your best friend" or "you are my freaking child" or "you'd be an awesome brother" or simply, "you are a really cool human being". I started to find more attractiveness in females (hit me up, Emma Watson). Anyways, that's not really my thing anymore. However, I'm not apposed to continuing it. I'll just have to take it in a new way. Maybe recruit a friend to help me write it?

Also, I don't really know what direction I want that book to go. Maybe one-shots would be better?

Next, I'm Not Okay (I Promise). That was a flop. I also lost direction in that one, too. Maybe I would be better at just short stories!

This is going to be a "questions I figure will be asked, so I'll answer them now" section:

So, what are you going to be doing over the hiatus? Well, writing more! I really want to get even better so I can come back with a brand new start! Also, I'm going to be revamping my current books. I guess this could be considered a "working" hiatus? I won't really be posting anything new, just fixing old stuff.

Have you even worked on anything since the last real updates? Yes, however it didn't fit with how my writing was before. AT. ALL. Also, I have a book planned for when I can get this show back on the road! However, that's not till later down the road.

How long are you going to be on hiatus for? Like I said, it's going to be shorter than most hiatuses. Trust me, I'M NOT PULLING A FALL OUT BOY!!! I expect no more than a couple of months. Maybe once the school year starts again. Yes, I know I said I would finally update this summer, however things change. 

Will you still exist on the Wattpad community? Yes, absolutely! I'll still be around, reading and responding to messages and comments! 

If you have any more questions, comment them, I'll respond. Also, if you have any ideas for what you want to happen with my books or even a suggestion for a new one, tell me! 

I love each and every single one of you who has given the time to read my stuff! It truly means the world to me!

Till next time, stay kawaii my little Nightmares! 

Feels good to finally say that again.

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