Tenrou's Fall

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  I own nothing Hiro Hoshima owns fairy tail. I will not claim that I own fairy tail. But if I did, this would definitely be in the manga and anime :D this is also my first fan fiction so please don't judge D:
Lucy watched as a black dragon as dark as night approach the island. It flew at a calm pace, looking like it had no care in the world. Lucy ran around frantically looking for her guild mates or nakama.

"Natsu!?, Gray!?, Erza!?, Where are you!" shouted the strained voice of Lucy .

Earlier, Zeref the black-Mage had asked the most dreaded word, "Natsu?". Lucy's nakama started asking questions at Natsu, until Zeref started clutching his head and moaning. "Get Away! "he had yelled at Lucy and her guild mates. All of them did except Natsu. Still stunned he stood stock still.Thankfully to Igneel's muffler, Natsu did not die. It sacrificed itself for Natsu, the white fabric turning black. Lucy sighed in a sense of relief. He had started ignoring Lucy lately, after Lisanna returned from Edolas. But Still, nothing can quench Lucy's love for the sometimes dense dragonslayer.

Suddenly Zeref disappeared in a cloud of darkness. A shadow tendril lashed out from the cloud grabbing Lucy. Lucy did not know if it was intentional or not, but it had transported her onto a cliffs edge. Staring over the a sea a dark form appeared, blocking the sun.

The glare of the sun was blocked out by the shining scales of the black dragon... Acnologia. Lucy whimpered at the sight of the beast. Lucy was scared, no not just scared Lucy was so scared she made a wish that she will regret, and cherish forever.

I wish I could help my guild!
I will do anything to save my nakama!

I voice full of malice answered
There will be a heavy Price
Do you agree?

Yes! I would do anything
Please I just need to save my nakama

Your wish I my command daughter of Layla

Lucy went still for a moment, how had the voice known her mother? Then after a moment a shield made of shadows surrounded the island. The last thing Lucy saw before her vision fading was Acnologia hitting against the shield.

Lucy's body faded into the forest, like the spirits reclaiming a fallen comrade. And for that measure Lucy really was a fallen comrade.


Natsu was running around like a mad man. No not because of Lucy missing, but it was because of his once white scarf turning into a pure black one. Natsu hadn't noticed Lucy for as long as Lisanna had returned. So when Lucy really did disappear, Natsu didn't take much notice until a voice whispered into his head

Forgetting something Natsu?

Natsu racked his brains trying to remember what he forgot. Was it his muffler? No he remembered that. Was it Lisanna's birthday? No that was a week from now. Ok this has to be it thought Natsu. Umm... he needed to stop gray from beating him to S Class? No it was canceled because of the Acnologia. Acnologia... that's it! He needed to prove he really was a dragon slayer and the beat Acnologia into the ground! Remembered Natsu hitting the palm of his hand.

Getting ready to set off Happy chimed in his ear "Natsu!, Natsu!, have you seen Lucy?" . Then before anything could happen, Acnologia broke through The barrier made with Lucy's life force. Happy quickly picked up Natsu and flew for there life, literally. Looking around Happy scanned his eye's for the rest of Fairy Tail. Finally Happy's eyes hit there mark.

The Guild was in a circle around a piece of stone. Gray and Erza where calling for Natsu and Lucy. Then with Natsu's keen ears he heard Makarov tell his children "two more minutes, that's all we can wait, I'm sorry". Suddenly Happy landed Natsu in the circle. Some members where happy others where sad. It meant that there precious nakama Lucy, was not coming. Then Master Makarov started chanting words, very very ancient words. The stone started to glow. All of Fairy Tail minus Lucy stared with fear and wonder at the stone. Makarov murmured something under his breath that no one could hear except the two dragonslayers. " Mavis, with my life given please save my children" the two had heard him whisper.

Then right before there eyes, there beloved master faded from view. And Tenrou Island sunk below the waves.

I know it's not the best, but I tried ;D
I don't know why no matter how hard
I try my text is slanted!!
Also I promise all chapters will be at least above 500 hundred words, of course unless a special occasion. I think I might be able to update at least every week. Once again I own nothing

final note... Enjoy!!!
PS Wendy is not on Tenrou Island


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