The Meeting of Enemies or Friends

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Lucy woke up in a daze, supporting herself with her right elbow. The pain, oh the pain, it ran through her body letting Lucy writher on the ground. The sound of the birds and river where blocked out as Lucy teared the grass with her hands, trying to stop the pain. Gasping as the world closed around her, Lucy let out an inhuman scream, then blacked out.

A cool voice woke her from Lucy from her slumber in pain. There was a splash of water , then a cool sensation on Lucy's head. Lucy gripped the soft thing below her. Finding a mattress resting on the the floor.

"Are you awake?" Asked the calm with a tone of worry in his voice. 

Lucy made no response

"Never mind, i guess your not" responded Zeref to silence.

The voice Lucy knew, was filled with magic. No, not dark magic, but magic that calmed her burning muscles. Lucy closed her eyes thinking of the things she'd lost. Her long lifetime love, Natsu. Her brother like figure Gray. Her older and younger sister Erza, and Wendy. Then of course her own incomplete life. Lucy reminded herself she didn't sacrifice her life for that dense dragon slayer, no she sacrificed her life for her nakama. There was that odd tenge in Lucy's mind as she thought of the word nakama. The words turned in her mind, becoming a mass of writhe ring snakes. Who was she kidding, she now regretted the decision of sacrificing her life for her nakama. If she could even call them that after being ignored for 3 months straight.

There was another foot step coming through what Lucy thinks is a hallway.

"Zeref, is the girl treated and in bed?"asked the voice from the doorway.

"Yes, Master Dolvin" answered Zeref.

Zeref!! Shouted Lucy in her mind. She has been treated by Zeref. Zeref of all people. The v black mage, creator of demons, holder of nightmares. All of these names belonged to the one and only, Zeref. Or other wise known as the person that was treating her in bed.

Lucy moaned, the anesthesia wearing off. Lucy sat up, realizing that her clothes where tattered and torn. What happened after the deal? Wondered Lucy.

"It seems your awake" said Zeref. Taking the towel if Lucy's head, he put it in the bowl of water. In the bowl the towel glowed orange until a clean towel replaced it. "Dang, I forgot it was the enchanted water" mumbled Zeref.

"Zeref! You know you should never use enchanted water unless it's a emergency!". Yelled the person Lucy thinks is Master Dolvin.

"I'm sorry Master, it was a mistake" Zeref seemed to beg at the man towering over him. Lucy was shocked, the black mage Zeref was asking for forgiveness?! Lucy must have been dreaming.

"Its all right as long a as it doesn't happen the third time" replied the slightly less itmidating form of Dolvin. Zeref seemed to let out a pent up sigh.

"Also I inspected the book that she refused to let go when she was asleep" commented Dolvin.

"What about it Dolvin?" asked back Zeref

"MASTER DOLVIN TO YOU!, umm.. ok, it was full of magic spells, I think you'll like it." responded the Dolvin to Zeref.

"Ill ask her when she is up Master" responded Zeref almost hiding behind the table.

 Lucy watched the two feeling scared and confused, it only added to the confusion when Lucy looked at one of the mirrors in the room. The change Lucy felt when she woke up wasn't a after effect of being out, but it had actually changed her. She had dazzling purple hair with streaks of crimson. Her left eye was a black abyss color with no pupil. While the other was a normal red color except it seemed to shine more. But the most dazzling of all was her body now looked like a eleven year old girl, or maybe alittle less. Lucy could say was about the same age as Zeref. A;most letting out a gasp Lucy closed her squinting eyes one more pretending to be asleep

" Whats your name girl? i can tell our not asleep anymore" asked the gruff voice of Dolvin.

Lucy didn't know what to say, she could lie, or she could tell the truth. Making up her mind Lucy told her name.

"My name... is Lucy Meadows"


Zeref: I sound OOC

Me: man your like eleven 

Dolvin: both of you shut up!

Me: he's like Erza

Zeref: Who's that?

Me: oh she's someo~

Dolvin: WHAT DID I SAY?!?! anyways Fairy tail does not belong to NightShade

Me; hmm I wish it did

Dolvin: SHUTUP!

Me; ok

Dolvin; hmmm...

Me/Zeref; runs away


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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