Grooming kit...

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Grooming kit contains...
Dandy brush, body brush, hoof pick, hard brush, sweat scrapper,
rubber curry comb, mane comb and sponges.
The dandy brush has long stiff bristles and it is to remove dried mud and from a horses coat.
The body brush is softer and is used to remove grease and dust from a horses coat.
A rubber or plastic curry comb is used to remove dried mud and loose hair from the horses coat.
A hard brush is used to remove all of the excess dirt and hair off the horses coat.
Sponges are soaked to remove sweat from the horses legs and body.
A mane come removes all of the tangles from your horses tail and mane.
A sweat scraper removes all of the sweat and water from your horses coat.
Hoof picks are used to remove stones, mud and dirt from the horses coat.

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