Chapter 13- Good Morning, Clumsy

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I don't know how long the morning sun has been peeking through my window before it found my face; nor do I know how long it took to me realize. All I know is that the beaming sunlight has woken me up. I let out a groan. Waking up is defiantly one of my most hated moments.

Before I even open up my eyes, I sit up and let out a yawn which seems to go forever. I rub my eyes, attempting to wake up proper, however, it's not working. I need water splashed on my face immediately.

Eventually I get out of my bed, and attempt to make way to my bedroom door with my eyes closed. What time did I end up going to sleep? Why am I so tired?

As I try to walk to my door, step by step it gets easier. Just as I think I've made it to my door, I slip and fall straight on my butt creating a 'thump' sound. Ouch.

I mumble a string of curse words and open up eyes without any water, to see what caused me to slip. I look around my body, to see a plain white t-shirt next to me. I pick it up and raise my eyebrow; Harry's shirt.

"Good morning, clumsy," I hear a raspberry deep voice say from behind me.

My head snaps to the voice, to see a very sleepy Harry laying in my bed, shirtless. That explains me slipping on his shirt.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I get up from the floor.

"I slept here," he replies.

I try to rethink back to last night. To when Harry scared the crap out of me, to us apologizing to each other. However, I can't recall how Harry and I ended up sleeping in the same bed.

"After we talked for a bit, you fell asleep. So I tucked you in, and soon after that I dozed off as well," he says as if he was reading my mind.

"Oh," I reply.

I stand at the tip of my bed as Harry sits up at stretches. He lets out a yawn, and runs his fingers through his messy hair, straightening it up a bit. Again, I can't help but to starts at his perfectly toned body. A thrill of shock runs through my body as I realize I slept in the same bed with Harry, shirtless Harry.

"What's the time, clumsy?" Harry asks.

"Clumsy?" I question.

"That's what I'm calling you from now on," he tells me.

"But why?" I ask.

Harry chuckles softly, creating dents around his eyelids, "You're the most clumsiest person I know. You ran into a wall and slipped over in less than a week," he informs me.

"Well I'm sorry for being a clumsy person," I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't be sorry, it's cute," Harry says.

"So you find it cute when I hurt myself do you?"

"No, I find it cute how you're clumsy. I like how there's something different about you. You're fiery, yet clumsy. It's cute," Harry shrugs.

I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks, making me turn away. I don't want Harry seeing me blush at a small comment.

"Anyway, you didn't answer my question," Harry reminds me.

"There's a clock next to you, on the beside table," I tell him.

I hear the sheets on my bed rustle as Harry turns to see the time, "crap," I hear him say.


"It's nine thirty," Harry informs me.

"What?" I yell.

"It's nine thirty," he repeats.

"I heard you the first time. I can't believe it's nine thirty, we're late for school," I panic.

"Lets just not go," Harry says. "Are you crazy? Imagine how much trouble we'd get in," I say.

"Relax clumsy, one day off won't hurt," he says.

"Get out of my my bed and get ready," I demand.

"I'm not going," he mumbles.

"Well I am," I say.

School makes me stress out majorly, especially these days in my senior years. One day off school could lead to me being behind by miles.

I walk over to grab my school bag, which is placed on the floor near Harry, when suddenly I feel Harry grab my waist. He pulls me back onto my bed, "there's no point in going to school Emma, we're so late," Harry says, "you're staying here with me."

"Why would I want to do that?" I sigh. 

"You know you do," he says.

"I have to go to school," I tell him.

"You don't, and you're not. You're staying with me today," Harry says.

"I am?"

"You are."

Suddenly it sounds like a good idea; Harry's persuaded me. If we went to school we'd be extremely late anyway. I sigh, giving in. I watch as Harry's lips turn into his signature smirk, the smirk he does when he gets his way.

"But if we get in trouble I'm blaming you," I inform him.

"Whatever you say clumsy," he winks.

I roll my eyes at my new nickname. First babe, now clumsy? I've never had a proper nickname before. Other than Em, which doesn't really count as a nickname to me.

"I'm going to go have a shower and get dressed," I inform Harry, "You can go downstairs and watch TV if you want," I add.

"Okay, sounds good," he replies.

Before I get up, the fact that I'm physically on Harry comes to my mind. I look to where my hands are; one's on my thigh, and the other is placed on Harry's bare chest.

"S-sorry," I mumble as I get up.

I quickly gather my needed things and head straight to the bathroom and I just know that Harry's watching me as I do, with that famous smirk of his wiped accross his face.

I can't help but to wonder what today has installed for me. A day alone with Harry? This could lead to either massive argument or us getting to know each other more.

My heart pounds, today will be interesting.


Been a while right? SORRY. 

I'm sure you want an explanation? Well my internet hasn't been all that great lately, it's really slow (it took at least half an hour just load wattpad). But since the internet is so slow at the moment, I've been taking more time to write more chapters so YAY. AND, I just finsihed my last day of school for the year! I have six weeks off, so I can write heaps!! 

And yes I know this chapter isn't all that exciting, so hopefully tomorrow I'll update again :)

Thank you for reading, make sure you comment, vote, follow me!

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