Chapter 1

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Kiro's Pov
I walked inside the kitchen to see it such a mess. My right eye twitched in annoyance as eggs are all splattered on the floor, kitchen utensils all scattered everywhere, flour went everywhere on the counter, and milk spilled on the counter.

"Who the hell did this?!" I asked no one with an annoyed face.

"Morning Kiro!" Tyler greeted behind me.

"Tyler what the hell happend here?!" I asked/shouted in his face.

"Well, Jinx went to make cupcakes and. . .That happend" Tyler explained.

Every word he said made my aura darker and meaner by chance. I sighed in dissapointment and got a clean rag, windex, and a broom. I walked back to the kitchen and lifted up my mouth cover which is a white handkercheif and a white handkercheif wrapped around my head.

"Hey Kiro-- Woah! What happend here?" Kaito asked.

"Jinx did this" I said while wiping the counter.

"Well, anyways after your done we're watching Shingeki no Kyojin, alright" Kaito informed.

"Fine" I sighed.

After 3 hours of cleaning the kitchen looked clean again, like it was brand new. I sighed and took a shower for about 10 minutes then got dressed in a black sweater saying 'Hope you die in hell' with a black shirt underneath, white pants, and a black beanie. I walked downstairs and sat on the red couch in the living room with the others except Lui who's not down here yet.

"Luuuiii!! Get your ass down here and watch Shingeki no Kyojin with us!!" Tyler shouted while groaning.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming" Lui said while walking down the stairs and ploppng down next to Kaito.

"Let's god damn watch!!" Vinx said while eating popcorn and playing the Anime.

Tyler's Pov
After a few hours of watching Shingeki no Kyojin, I started getting dizzy and wanted to pass out.

"Heyy guys. . .Am I the only one dizzy hereee?" I asked, slurred from my words like a drunk boy.

"Tch, we're all feeling dizzyyy braat!!" Kiro shouted then we passed out.

All I could see was darkness and only the darkness nothing else.

Levi's Pov
Me, and the other soldiers were riding our horses back to HQ because it failed like always. We were almost at the gate of Wall Maria then into Wall Rose until a bright light blinded us for 5 seconds. When the light cleared up 3 boys and 3 girls were passed out on the floor.

"Where did they came from?" Erwin asked.

"I don't know, but let's take them back at HQ and wait until they wake up!" Hanji suggested with her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Tch, brat" I muttered.

"Men! Take the girls and boys onto the cart" Erwin ordered.

We made it to HQ and I carried the black haired girl, while Shitty Glasses dragged a boy with blonde hair, Erwin carried a girl with orange hair, Mike carried a girl with orange hair also, Eren dragged a boy with blue hair, and Armin carried a boy with white hair. We brought them in the infirmary and put them in beds.

"Tch, how long will they sleep?" I asked keeping my stoic face.

Erwin shrugged and said "I don't know Levi"

"Ooo~ I can't wait to meet them!!" Hanji exclaimed with the same sparkling crazy eyes.

I was about to talk until all of them started to wake up groaning like they hit their heads with a fucking brick.

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