Doodles + Comic Page 1 (WIP)

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Original story boards for comic (I didn't end up using story boards anyway)

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Original story boards for comic (I didn't end up using story boards anyway)

Original story boards for comic (I didn't end up using story boards anyway)

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Original Comic Cover Idea

Boy in the comic (what I planned for him to look like), hands, and trying to draw Miku

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Boy in the comic (what I planned for him to look like), hands, and trying to draw Miku

Boy in the comic (what I planned for him to look like), hands, and trying to draw Miku

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Drawing of Saeyoung, without reference. (I technically finished a few days ago, but I kept adding more... I might continue to add more, actually.)

Drawing of Zen, for my Ate

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Drawing of Zen, for my Ate... Ugh. It was painful to draw this. I had to keep looking at his face. ;^;

Page 1, comic, "Heartache"

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Page 1, comic, "Heartache".
Will most likely be renamed to another synonym for regret.
Still working on it, 'cause the background for each panel...
And, just so you guys know, this is a Language Arts project.

("Small" note: During Religion (aka after L.A. which is when I finished inking), the people at my table group kept saying how good it looked and how I should publish it. But, I feel like they're just trying to make me happy.
Heh. One even said that if it were to be published, he should get 25% off 'cause he's my friend, and that how he wants it to be a full comic.
lolol. This would never get published. It's too crappy. And besides, as I was inking, my hand was shaking so much...
I'm so glad I chose to do this project alone.)
(ANOTHER "SMALL" NOTE: Please read this comic as how you would read a manga.
And if you've never read manga before, first of all... H-How?!?!
Okay, but instead of left to right. You read it right to left, like how they read and write kanji.)

Oh, by the way, you know that work in progress I posted of MC? Yeah, uh, I haven't even touched it today.
If I can, I'll try to finish it tomorrow, since I should be sleeping now.

I have an idea for the cover of my comic.
I was drawing it earlier and got to the point of shading... But then I realized I didn't like it, so I'm gonna re-draw it in a similar way.
This is what it looks like at the moment:

This is what it looks like at the moment:

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It sucks having to restart...
Because it spent so much time on the sketch!!!
And because I messed up on the fudging leg. ;^;
Still, it's going to be similar, but I'm doing to draw it in a sort of different way.

So yeah...

I guess that's all for now. See you guys later~
Not edited.
It's too late for me to edit. =P
Well, depends what I'm editing here.
If it's a fanfic, sure why not.
If it's a fanfic including someone I know ( I'M LOOKING AT YOU, NIGHTOWL), then... I guess so...?

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