The flight

24 4 2

Twenty one hours and 4 minutes crammed in a tiny plane seat. I was flying from Auckland, New Zealand to New York  just to take some photos. I was only going to be here for 48 hours. When my boss had told me that I had to fly half way around the world just to take some photos of some model, I hadn't been to pleased. Apparently the minute I get to my hotel I have to leave to the studio. 48 hours of nothing but me taking photos of someone I really couldn't care less about, but for some reason I was excited. 

"Welcome to New York" the air hostess says 

All the passengers turn on their phones and start calling their loved ones saying they arrived safely. I don't have any loved ones to call, nobodies going to be waiting for me in the arrival lounge. Once I get out of this plane, i'm going to be 110% alone. 

I stand up and look around at everyone around me, their all in a rush to get off the plane. I make eye contact with someone sitting a few rows back. He's wearing a snap back but his bright pink hair is visible under it. He smiles at me, his perfect teeth showing. I awkwardly smile back and sink into the line of people and begin to walk off the plane. 

"WAIT!" I hear someone yell from behind me. 

I turn around and see the pink haired boys staring straight at me. I walk into a isle and wait for him to come to me. 

Once he gets to me, he smiles once more and says "Hi, i'm Josh" he says while still smiling. 

"I'm Riley" I say while smiling back. 

"Why did you stop me?" I ask him.

"Well miss Riley, I was wondering if you where doing anything once we get off this damn plane" Josh says.

"I'm working until about 10 tonight and I honestly don't think i'm going to have a free chance to do anything while i'm here" I say sadly. 

"Oh crap, what about after your work? What do you even do?" Josh asks. 

"I'm a photographer" I say "and yeah sure I can try do after work if i'm not to tired" 

"Yay! What's your number so you can text me if anything changes" Josh says. 

I give him my number just as a air hostess comes up to us asking us to leave the plane. 

"Well Riley, it was nice meeting you and hopefully I can see you again tonight?" Josh asks. 

"I really hope so as well" you say with a hint of a smile. 

You leave the airport and hail a cab. You look out of the window to see Josh staring after your cab long after the cars left the airport carpark. 


I really like Twenty One Pilots and i'm from New Zealand

I'll probably be updating every weekend and starting this fanfic now was probably a really bad idea because I have exams in a few weeks and i'm meant to be studying lOL OPPS  



One Night  // Josh DunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon