New Girl

686 23 4

Tomika's POV
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP *sits up on bed,looks around and sees tons of boxes*
Ugh,seriously? Oh,hey,i'm Mikayla Tomika Macallister,i'm 13 years old and between you and me,my mom and i work for a secret agency,a women's secret agency,it's called innovate,i have a sister her names Madison Macallister,she's 18 and she also works for innovate,but I haven't seen her in 12 months,she went to Europe for an open assignment and never came back,Mom-i mean the quail kept in contact with her,we know she's still alive,but we never really talked to each other,three year ago i was working on an experament for the Scientist Jr. Expo,i showed Maddie it and she said she was impressed with me,I've always looked up to my sister,she's the best sister I could ask for,anyway back to moving all this stuff -Goes to a boxed labeld "Stuff that's so fragile i will kill someone if they break it"-
Adison:Yay! Finally out of that box!
Adison is my,let's just put in this way,adison is my ipad in a notebook all agents from innovate get it at a certain age,i got mine at 11
Me:Relax,you were only in there for like 37 hours
Adison:What took you so long?!
Adison:Right anyway,the new lab is all set up and ready to go!
Me:Great -puts hand on scanner and it opens a back door in her closet-
Adison:All the computers and smart boards are in here,i took the liberty to download all the files the were in your File Computer Which you left back home,i hacked into it and re-downloaded all the files
Me:Great,but i'm not happy about you hacking into my stuff
Adison:Figured you might say that...
Me:But,I'm impressed
Adison:Thank You!
-puts adison down-
Adison:Btw you have school tomorrow
Ever since i was young i have always been homeschooled,the only friend i have is adison,sort of,This is my first ever open assignment,the school thing is part of it and also for my education of course
Me:What's on the agenda for today adison?
Adison:Well,you're going to unpack for the whole day!
Adison:on the bright side M,Tomorrow is your first day on the Job! Isn't that exciting?
Me:Guess so...

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