Chapter 2

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Robin was aghast. She stared at Par, as he gazed into the sunset, his bright red hair was glowing like an inferno as he turned to look at her. Time seemed to stop as their eyes met. Robin was shocked to see his eyes glistening with tears. What had those eyes seen?

"My story's long. Sure you wanna hear it?"

"Got all the time in the world Par."

He chuckled in a choked up sort of way, and ran his hand through his hair.

"Time. The whole reason we're here. Especially you, Robin. Do you want to know what last week was? My 17th birthday. For the 5th time." Robin's eyes widened. "I haven't aged in 5 years. None of that stuff that you think happened with the Originals ever happened. Not according to everyone else here anyway. I know it all. It was shown to me...on that fateful day..." he broke off, as tears had welled up again. Robin took his hand, and said gently, "You don't have to tell me now, if it's too hard. I understand. Take your time Par."

"There it is again. Time. Forever my greatest enemy. I'll tell you Robin, otherwise it'll just be harder next time." He wiped the tears from his face and stood up, looking serious, as if angry at himself for crying. He took a deep breath and turned to face Robin, fingering his gun as he did so.

"5 years ago, the Original Fabulous Killjoys had only recently formed, but had been created a while ago, purely out of the imagination of 4 very special people. I believe you know who they are. This whole world, powered by imagination! It's amazing really.

But unbeknownst to us, Korse, leader of BLI, was furious after the events of NaNaNa, as you know it. He felt that taking the Mysterious Girl wasn't enough. So he built a special machine: T.O.M. The Time Over Matter machine. This would allow him to travel through time and destroy matter wherever he chose to end up. He also had something else hidden up his sleeve: the Kronos Krystal. A powerful stone with the ability to capture a single moment and store it forever.

That is how he trapped us like this Robin. 5 years ago, you know what he did? He came from the future, and kidnapped us all. Threw us all onto a heard desert floor, and watched as we tried to reach for our guns, which were gone obviously. Then he grabbed me by the hair and whispered in my ear, "So Party Poison, do the good times really give you cancer? If so, you're all badly affected I'm afraid. Better put them out of their misery eh?" I was forced to watch as my best friends, my brothers, were killed in cold blood. He killed Kobra Kid last, for extra spite.

They'd all been blindfolded at the time, but Kobra reached out to me, as if he could see and said, "Come on guys, what's happening? Par, you there? Help us out! I don't know what's up with the others, guess Korse knocked 'em out. Just remember guys, whatever he tries to do, Killjoys never – "

He never got to finish. He'd already been shot in the head. I screamed and cried and yelled and flailed as Korse held me in a vice-like grip. When he finally released me I ran to Kobra's body and cradled him in my arms, weeping like a child. Do you know what it's like Robin, cradling your dead brother in you arms, knowing you could've helped him out? I was utterly distraught, and looked up at the smug bastard and said, "Go on, do it. Straight to the brain." His smile only grew. "Oh no my dear Party Poison, you aren't going to die tonight. I'm going to trap you here, like this forever, as the cherry on this delightful revenge cake. After all you've done to me, I think this makes us even."

I was so confused as to what we had done, as I had no idea what had occurred in the future. "Wait, we've barely done anything! We stole a few arms shipments is all! What are you talking about?"

He laughed next, making me more furious than ever, "Oh you stupid ignorant boy. I'm talking about things that haven't happened yet! Not for you anyway. I'm from the future, where you and your handful of freaks have caused a lot more trouble than you know. Do you know how angry super villains get when you mess up their evil plans? Well, guess you just found out huh?" he laughed again, as more tears ran down my face. I watched as he drew the Kronos Krystal our of his shirt, and hit the button on the top. Bright blue light engulfed everything I could see, and a slight wind caught my hair. I lost sight of Korse, and everyone else, trapped in this blue whirlwind. I spun around, trying to see anything, but nothing appeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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