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Look, if you have, by some miracle, stumbled across this autobiography, then you should probably forget you ever saw it. I mean it- not only is it possibly hazardous for your health and safety, but the writing also sucks. 

Yes, I'm aware that I'm the one who wrote my autobiography- that is literally what an autobiography means. 

Why did I write it then? Why oh why did I, Diana Aspen, decide to write a story of her life if she doesn't want anyone to see it? 

Well first off, it was a bet. 

Second off, because whether I like it or not, my story needs to get told. 

So here goes. Bear with me a bit here- I swear it gets better. 

A/N So, to new readers, welcome! I hope this prologue is much better than the first one. To old readers, I'm going through and doing a major re-edit of my chapters so that they come up to standards with my new writing style and aren't as cringe-y and awful as the originals. I'd re-read everything, if I were you- stuff has changed majorly. 

- Nymph   

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